counted_stars Application

Dec 11, 2011 01:56

Player Information:

Name or Handle: Lily
LJ: liljackicons
Email: lilbeejack [at] hotmail [dot] ca
Plurk name: lilbeejack
Any current characters here?: Lady Sif, Thor (2011)

Character Information:

Character Name: Steve Rogers
Age: 96
Canon: Marvel Movieverse, Captain America: The First Avenger

Steve is your All American looking guy. He stands roughly 6'2" and weighs approximately 220 lbs. He has muscle EVERY.WHERE. Blonde hair, blue eyes and dresses casually unless of course he's beating the crap out of a villain in which case you will see him in his red, white and blues.


Outwardly, Steve looks like your average guy, clean cut and well presented. When he’s not “Captain America”, he doesn’t look like a superhero, but he does have a face that makes him very approachable. He’s friendly, honest and optimistic. No doubt the very first thing that comes to mind after initially meeting him is that he’s a good guy, and that is one of the main things he continually strives to be. Inwardly, he doesn’t see himself as anything special, let alone a hero. In fact, he still thinks like the same short, skinny kid from Brooklyn, who spent a lot of time facing off with bullies that beat him up more for sport than because he was a threat.

Determined might as well be Steve’s middle name. His desire to enlist, to find Bucky, to end Schmidt, all of it was fuelled by sheer determination. But, because he can be so focused and driven, Steve can sometimes overlook some of the other possible outcomes that result with his persistence. For instance, his five attempts to enlist and the risk he took each time in being arrested for falsifying his enlistment forms. It’s a gamble he’s willing to take if it means doing something he believes in. And there isn’t a problem too big that intimidates ol’ Cap. He simply doesn’t think quitting is an option.

Steve’s a soldier, through and through. He’s patriotic, and loyal to the core. He relates his past, and dealing with bullies to fighting the enemy on the frontlines. He has a natural instinct to protect, whether it be himself, his friends, or his country. No matter the cost. Yes, this also extends to putting his own life on the line. To him, his selflessness is not an act of heroism, but simply the right thing to do. His compassion for humanity is awe-inspiring.

Everyone has flaws and Steve is no different. The few that are visible to those that know him well can tie them easily into his strengths. He can be defiant, and extremely stubborn, which often lead to short bursts of cockiness and arrogance. On the flipside of things, he has a problem saying no. This can work for, or against him in multiple situations. The latter was the case when a female Private came onto him. Then again, interaction with any woman shows a more innocent, awkward side to Steve, which is due to his inexperience with them.

Steve maintains the will to do everything he can to keep the American Dream alive. In his words, “This nation was founded on one principle above all else: The requirement that we stand up for what we believe no matter what the odds or the consequences.” As inspiring as his words are, Steve fears a day that people might forget this. Defeat is his worst nightmare, especially if it leads to hate, violence, or the loss of freedom for any person. But, these are fears he keeps under lock and key.

In the end, who would he be if he wasn’t Captain America? The answer is simple: It is because of who Steve Rogers has always been that Captain America even came to be.

Background: Steve Rogers Marvel Wiki Page and Captain America: The First Avenger

Canon point:

I've decided to bring Steve to Coruscant post movie, after he meets Nick Fury in Times Square, so he is aware that he's been frozen for almost 70 years. I've chosen this point because frankly, I've exhausted his initial reaction to waking modern times and pretty much want to have him jump in and do what he does best.

Special Abilities:

Steve does not have any innate or supernatural powers. The serum that was given to him as part of the “Super Soldier” experiment merely enhanced him into peak human form. These enhancements are as follows:

- Strength: can lift up to two tons
- Speed: can achieve speeds equivalent to the finest Olympic Athlete
- Stamina: Steve’s muscles produce less fatigue toxins which makes it harder for him to tire when under intense physical activity.
- Agility: can coordinate body with any combination of balance, flexibility and dexterity.
- Super human reflexes
- Durability: Steve’s muscles and bones are more dense and harder than the average human, thus making it harder for him to break bones.
- Mental process: his mind can operate quickly and efficiently.
- Healing: Steve’s metabolism burns four times faster than the average person which speeds healing.

Steve is not untouchable. He can still be hurt and bleed if he's not careful.

Sect:  Republic Military

Job: Captain


First Person:   Dear Mun and also here

Third Person:  Here
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