So, last night I was wandering around 4chan, which one should never do if one values their sanity but I'm already crazy so I did it anyway. What did I find on /x/ but an image challenge for Paranormal visitors. It was intended to be answered by anonymous people, sincerely and honestly, as an exercise to see into themselves and help themselves. My mind immediately answered with, "Wow. What if I did this for one of my characters?"
My choice was made and thanks to that, I've changed it to a writing challenge for anybody to participate in. (Of course, my journal being rather unwatched and me being fine with that, I don't expect this to go far, but if it inspires one person, I'll consider it good.)
This challenge has nothing to do with religion or even spirituality. Instead, it has much more to do with the principles behind each chakra. I present them as they were presented to me. I am by no means an expert on the principles of chakra, so if there are any errors, they were also in the source image!
So welcome to the...
Chakra Writing Challenge
The guidelines are as such:
1: Seven fics make up the full Chakra Challenge, one for each chakra.
2: You must use either a ten-sided die (with 0 or 10 representing 'roll again') or the
Random Number Generator to choose your prompts. Roll all seven at once up to a maximum of three times. Choose by set of rolls instead of by individual roll.
3: Then go to
the Sequence Generator and randomise the numbers 1-7. That is the order for your chakra fics to be written/posted.
Now, on to the chakra prompts!
1) Muladhara: The Base Chakra
Sexuality, Lust, Obsession, Stability, Sensuality, Security
1: What can you do to feel more secure in life?
2: Tell about a situation you avoided. Why did you avoid it?
3: Tell about a situation you faced head-on despite danger. Why did you?
4: Go fap.
5: Have you ever let your lust get the better of you?
6: What is your most secret fetish?
7: Tell about when you were the most afraid for your life.
8: Explain your obsession with an object or other person.
9: Describe your most memorable sexual encounter.
2) Svadhisthana: The Sacral Chakra
Basic Emotions, Relationships, Violence, Addictions, Pleasure, Joy, Creativity
1: Tell about your first love, even if (s)he didn't love you back.
2: Tell about a time you physically hurt another person.
3: Describe a time you were physically hurt by another person.
4: Explain your worst addiction. How did you, or how can you, overcome and control it?
5: When have you given in to temptation? How could you have avoided it?
6: List five ways to be happier.
7: What do you get excited about? How can you bring that enthusiasm to every aspect of life?
8: What can you do to become more creative?
9: What makes you angry? Why?
3) Manipura: The Solar Plexus Chakra
Complex Emotions, Personal Power, Fear, Anxiety, Opinions, Introversion
1: What is your ultimate goal in life?
2: Tell about a time you overcame temptation.
3: Tell about a time you adapted to unforeseen problems.
4: Tell about a time you struggled to overcome an obstacle but eventually succeeded.
5: How can you overcome a fear of failure?
6: How does it feel to have another person decry your opinion or belief?
7: Why do you think other people defend their opinions so much?
8: How can understanding your emotions be beneficial?
9: How can you better understand your emotions?
4) Anahata: The Heart Chakra
Complex Emotions, Compassion, Devotion, Unconditional Love, Rejection, Well-Being
1: How can you show more compassion toward others?
2: What is something you can wholly devote yourself to?
3: Tell about a time someone you love did something horrible yet you still loved them.
4: Set a goal right now. What is it and how will you reach it?
5: Tell about a time you were rejected.
6: Tell about a time you went out of your way for the sake of others.
7: In what ways can you enhance your physical well-being?
8: In what ways can you enhance your mental well-being?
9: In what ways can you enhance your emotional well-being?
5) Vishuddha: The Throat Chakra
Self-Expression, Communication, Independence, Fluent Thought, Security
1: How do you determine what is right and what is wrong?
2: Tell about a time you turned a negative experience into wisdom.
3: What do you feel guilty about?
4: If you could take back one thing you've ever said, what would it be?
5: What is your biggest regret?
6: What keeps you dependent on others? How can you break that dependency? Would you want to?
7: Go play, sing, or write a song about anything.
8: How can you turn failure into a learning experience?
9: Write a small speech or monologue on a topic you're passionate about.
6) Ajna: The Brow Chakra
Balance of Higher and Lower Self, Intuition, Inner Guidance, Consciousness, Clarity
1: Is it better to make decisions based on thought or feeling? Why?
2: Tell about a time you benefited from following your instinct.
3: Explain a dream you've recently had and what your mind could be trying to tell you with it.
4: How can you learn to think with clarity more often?
5: How can you practice using your "mind's eye"?
6: What can you do to increase your intuition?
7: How can you sleep better?
8: What can you do to better use both sides of your brain?
9: How can you learn to better control your actions?
7) Sahasrara: The Crown Chakra
Pure Consciousness, Spiritual Unity, Meditation, Karma, Transcendence
1-3: Illusions are all around us in life, whether it is others lying to us or ourselves ignoring the truth. For five minutes, focus on seeing through those illusions and seeing the truth.
4-6: Meditate for at least five minutes. Set a timer, close your eyes, focus on your breathing, and expel all other thoughts from your mind until your timer sounds.
7-9: Set a long term goal. Make a plan for accomplishing that goal and post that plan where you will see it when you wake up. From now on, whenever you see that plan, do something to get closer to that goal.
Some of these prompts are more prompt-like than others. Try to take the prompts you roll and turn them into a situation. This has been a real inspiration for me to get inside my characters' heads. I hope it does the same for you!