I apologize in advance for the Dean/Cas feels in the next week. I can't believe I got sucked into this show and this stupid wonderful pairing that makes me want to throw things. I can't wait until the next episode of Elementary because that show is damn near perfect.
There is a lot to hate about this episode (and the show for that matter): the fact that we are drawing out the Dean&Cas reconciliation, that Cas is being manipulated AGAIN in a way that is way too familiar, that they brought back an amazing female character that managed to survive about 7 seasons and then killed her off just to tell Sam that he "now has focus" and Metatron convincing Castiel to kill an innocent girl on his word alone that this was "part one" of the trials. I would love this to be part of a plot on his part and for this to have NOTHING to do with closing the gates of Heaven, but at the same time I would love it if this means that Cas will fall this season. I'm reserving some judgement until next episode but I remember now why I avoided this show for so long.
I have quite a few thoughts on the latest Dean/Cas interactions but I'm not going to even try when there is this perfect comment:
So everyone is always talking about how Dean finally manned up and told Cas he needed him and Cas just needs to say it back, but I think that it’s way harder to say for Cas than it was for Dean (and I don’t say that lightly).
Dean’s had what, thirty-something years of pretending not to need anybody? But Cas has spent MILLIONS OF YEARS ACTUALLY NOT NEEDING ANYBODY. We think needing someone is a new idea for Dean, but it is literally a foreign concept for Castiel.
Cas doesn't know how to be human. He is more or less immortal, and does not understand the importance of simply spending time with someone. Staying in one place at one time is not Cas’ natural state, and maybe it will take him falling from grace for him to really appreciate what Dean is asking him/has been telling him. Either way, if Cas figures out he needs Dean too, it will be a revolutionizing moment for him-and one I am very much looking forward to.
Although I will add that if Dean does not get pie in the season finale, I will be really really upset. I don't even know, this show is killing me.
And as much as I enjoy Crowley (well, Mark Sheppard):
credit: spnfans
ABADDON! Oh, I'm so glad that she's back and that she so easily escaped from the boys. I loved that she was so completely shocked that Crowley is the current king of Hell, and I would love to see her take over. But even if not, I will be just as happy with her just around and causing chaos. More amazing female villains! With no remorse whatsover! Can I just watch a show with Naomi and Abaddon being badass and just ruling the world? Is that too much to ask?