(no subject)

Jun 22, 2007 12:39

You know what's really funny? Some people have to stop claiming themselves as the victim. Because you weren't the victim, you were the predator. Using and abusing people as you saw fit and "not understanding what you did wrong" and only seeing other people as the one being wrong and guess what? Maybe everyone else is not the ones who are wrong! Maybe it's YOU! Even if you dont like being wrong, MAYBE YOU ARE!

This is not just people being assholes! It's Years of bad karma coming back to bite you in the ass! And nothings going change until you try changing for the better! And maybe learning to apologize and own up to things you've done to people that you have hurt and broke their trust.

You can tell your sob stories to everyone you want to! EVERYONE! They'll tell you words of solace, but they don't know the whole story do they? nope only half, only the half that makes you look like you were the one who was wronged. So have fun getting your pitty, because you dont seem to realize that they would be the same way had they lived through 6 years of your "friendship".

So take sometime, reflect about things you've done. It might do you some good to think "oh maybe i should've been nicer." or "maybe i shouldn't have done that." But dont linger on how if affected the past, apply it toward your future relationships so that you'll be nicer, or not have done that.

You can call me a bitch or every other horrible word known in the english language, because god sakes, had i been the third party reading this, I would. And it may seem like i'm hating on you, to you and every person out there, but i'm NOT. I want to help you better yourself, so you can be happier in the future. So you can gain and keep people's trust.

Sure everyone likes themselves, and yes everyone is all good and fine being themselves, but EVERYONE CAN ALWAYS USE SOME ROOM FOR SELF IMPROVEMENT in the attitude or outlook field. So please do yourself, everyone you will know in the future, and even us your old friends, reflect and grow. I don't know about everyone else, but I know i want you to be able to be the happiest. This a serious case of tough love. We can't just always forgive you for everything you've ever done...how will you ever learn?

Sorry even though i mean it! Good bye forever probably! Good luck in your future! I hope you are super successful and uber happy someday! And trust me, there's nothing sarcastic about this part, I really mean it! <3

Now then...

Get over yourself.

I'm not a predator and though I would love to call you a bitch, I'm not going to.

I don't need you to help me "better" myself, I'm a lot better than you apparently think I am.

You don't even know me anymore because you chose, among some others who I called my best friends for six years, to become a psychopath. And honestly, I don't care anymore. I just want you to stop talking about me. Stop bringing up the past if you don't care and don't want to be my friend anymore. Seriously. Grow up.

You don't need to post five paragraph rants about something that you say doesn't matter and I should stop talking about. I have stopped talking about it. I don't talk about it unless it's brought up by someone else, [By the way I like how you disabled commenting on your entry, that's very mature.] so I wouldn't consider myself telling people my sob story to get sympathy. That's kind of a ridiculous accusation.

So yes, in conclusion, if you hate me, stop talking about and to me via your livejournal. If you have something you need to say, call me. My number hasn't changed. This is immature and I won't be a party to it anymore after this. There's no reason for it to continue and I really don't understand what YOUR problem is. Meaghan and I have at least spoken about it and I know what her issues are, but you have no right to say the things you did. Christina, your self righteous attitude is unwarrented and downright rude.

But have a nice day.
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