Salman Rushdie. Big deal. Given, he's a celebrity and has a hot wife. But that's precisely where the problem lies. How on earth did the world get conditioned to treat a man with a fatwa on his head with such dignity and awe? These feelings are a construct, a complex genesis stemming from the more basic feelings associated with laughter and crying. We are such weaklings. Aneesh
yes, in fact, the truly strong individual would see most others with contempt and admire those from who he can learn the unspoken laws of power so as to suit himself. i would argue that our culture is fascinated by mavericks, rushdie's transgression allows us to fantasize about other transgressive possibilities. isn't this kind of tingling george bataille sensation we get when our mind crosses the following thought: "let's break the law. let's do something horrible".
Well the answer is, he's still alive, that's fucking why. In the village, the ones who always became kings and rulers had to literally walk through fire.
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