My mooncup leaks. Not a great deal, only a few spots though this naturally means that I haven't been able to do without pads, negating much of the benefit I had hoped for. Hopefully a quick read of the troubleshooting section of the enclosed leaflet will allow me to correct the positioning and stop it from doing this. Otherwise I will have to invest in some re-useable pads if I actually want to remove my monthly contribution to landfill waste. Which would be vexing.
Taking it out and cleaning it is precisely as messy and fiddly as you can imagine (though please don't) and I certainly wouldn't want to try it without the handy bottle of water. Amusingly the menstrual blood separates after being left in a cup for a few hours, and looks exactly like a tequila sunrise would look if you never wanted to drink a tequila sunrise ever again. Weird.
I am not very much in love with it, because of the mess and the fiddlyness, but since I have a nude calender photoshoot tomorrow I certainly have to stick with it for the time being. Besides, the first tampon I ever attempted violently ejected itself like a ping-pong ball in an Amsterdam show, so by my usual standards the mooncup is a cakewalk.
I am hoping that overnight it will be much more comfortable than the common alternatives.