I've now been at home with the baby for six weeks, and so far things are going well. Franc continues to be the sort of placid child that will sleep through a Saturday halloween roleplaying game, or a series of scientific workshops, or a busy night at the pub. Consequently my social life is better now than it was when I was pregnant, though since I don't work any more I still have plenty of time to fill.
She isn't terribly interesting yet, not being capable of speech or a whole lot of movement. She makes the occasional humorous face, and keeps up a steady supply of ingenuous baby laughter, which keeps us amused during the short periods she is awake. Most of the time however, she is asleep and I spend my days fitting chores and crafting projects into the time between feeds when she doesn't care what I am doing so long as she knows I am there.
Next week she will have her first checkup, and the week afterwards she gets her eight week injections, it doesn't really seem very long since she was born, and at the same time it feels like she's always been here and we've always been like this, which is possibly just an effect of sleep deprivation.
Anyway, this year I totally survived the halloween tabletop game, which never usually happens, and I took an active part in the Girl Geek science jamboree, for which I received a shiny badge. I ended up being responsible for teaching a series of adorable schoolchildren about the properties of colloids using the ol' staple of a big bowl of cornflour and water with some green foodcolouring added as a nod to halloween. Somehow I managed not to become covered in green ooze, though I did get through most of a packet of babywipes. There were some very cool cakes baked for us by the nice people of tea-witter, including a rainbow sponge cake that I totally want to learn how to make, as it will be the best possible birthday cake for when Franc is a bit older.