Things continue well

May 21, 2012 10:39

I think Vince is much fonder of the n00b than I am. For instance, he is convinced that she is beautiful, while I continue to see a bit too much Churchill in her to consider her a pretty baby. Also, he is prejudiced against all other babies. When we see pictures of other babies just as cute as her, he will call them ugly or goblinesque even though we have photos of our dear leader making just such a face with just such ears, when adjusted slightly for age and parental resemblance.

Not going to work continues to be incredibly awesome, especially at around 8.30 in the morning. N00b may be the undisputed tyrant of the house, but she also still sleeps most of the morning, or sits quietly fascinated by a paper shopping bag for half an hour, allowing me to get on with things. We are desperately trying not to spoil her by letting her have her own way in everything while balancing this with the fact that she will scream for hours if we don't give her what she wants, which is a tricky thin line to negotiate, especially when the headaches come. At least she has finally started sticking things in her mouth and allowing us to feed her some solid food three times a day. I was beginning to worry that she'd still be exclusively breastfed when she was a year old, and that I'd not be able to get a single weekend in a field this year.

As it is, I was very miffed to miss Victoriana, but none of my costume is at all nursing-friendly, and expressing milk is only possible when you don't need half an hour and a ladies' maid to get undressed enough to put a pump in there. Hopefully if n00b continues to eat proper food like a proper person I shall be able to leave her with her father and a few bottles of expressed milk and be quietly confident of finding her just as fat when I come back again. I am really looking forward to Serenity and Alone4 later this year, so I'm really glad n00b is finally eating. She had some of my takeaway chicken Korma last night, which was about as messy as you'd expect. I am looking out for some of those plastic tablecloths, as I don't want to have to use any of the larp tarpaulin just to protect the carpet from the consequences of weaning.
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