Normally I don't like to whinge on LJ, as I'm fully aware that I'm a jammy git and that having a good moan from a position of good fortune is ungrateful, ungracious and a slap in the face for the many people who wish they could have my first-world problems. However, I'm good and royally fed up with this weekend, and will be having a moan about it.
The first thing I will be moaning about is the division of larp and childcare in this house. I'm fed up of Vince getting to go to 100% of PD events while I have to stay at home for all of them. I really miss Odyssey, and the organisers failure to replace my husband's natural mathematical ability with a database that anyone can use is really starting to get my goat. Originally we were going to split the events so that Vince could play Maelstrom (I enjoy working in GOD, but not as much as he enjoys world domination) and I was going to crew Odyssey (he enjoys working the World Forge, but not as much as I enjoy working the Arena). However, the whole philosopher game still won't run without Vince's brain being physically present, which means that I haven't seen the Arena in two years, and probably won't see it again for the foreseeable future. Which Sucks.
This weekend has been particularly depressing because the n00b has chicken-pox preventing me from going out to socialise on account of her infectiousness, and not being especially cheering company for me while I go about feeding the cats of people lucky enough to be at Odyssey, on account of her disgusting pustules and understandable grouchiness. To put the icing on the whine-cake, with the general lowness of my spirits, I've gone and developed bacterial mastitis, giving me a fever, aches and pains and absolutely no patience for grouchy disgusting pustule babies. This has been a good whine, thank you for listening.