but i would wager my house that taken as a group - people with the name amber are below the average IQ levels than people NOT with the name amber. just a hunch...
and i am saying this never having actually met someone with the name amber, but in the event that i should happen to someday meet someone with name amber i have a hunch that she'll be dumb.
it will be questionable as to what caused the stupidity, is it just some inherent environmental factor that would cause someone with the name amber to either be somewhat pretty yet very dumb or kind of pathetic and still very dumb. no I think not, there would be very specific identifiable reasons why that person doesn't stand a chance. first of all if their name is amber that clearly means that BOTH THEIR PARENTS have low IQ's thus hobbling the poor girl's chances right from the start.
and then all the years of considering the only other possible use of that name, that's right I'm talking of course of it's common use as a port star name - soylent amber, etc... in any event being shackled with such a name is indeed unfortunate.
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