London - Jam3: 26/10/09

Oct 30, 2009 17:09


London has a strange effect on me. In many ways I hate it. I hate the pace of life. I hate the cost of living. I hate the fact that everyone rushes around, elbowing you out of the way to get to their next meeting or whatever, knifing grannies on the tube so they can get a seat and stomping about en masse in their long black overcoats and ( Read more... )

what it is

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Comments 11

artemisofluna October 31 2009, 03:39:55 UTC
Awesome :D I love that you all get Dylan attention! Ah, it makes me happy! Which is the thing I really adore about the Jam Mafia. Sometimes fans can get so possessive, and it becomes all about a competition for who loves the person more or whatever. That kind of stuff totally puts me off. I love that the Jam Mafia share the wonder that is Dylan. It's just nice.

And I've heard that about his memory; the awesome recall thing. He must have a freakish one like me. I can remember minute details of things I did 23 years ago when people I hung out with five days ago can't remember what we did. It's very handy!!

I love London and I want to move there in 3-5 years. It now owns my soul ;) Despite it's granny-knifing and ankle-snapping, it's my kind of place (which does worry me a little!). I imagine I will end up in a cardboard box in an alleyway somewhere, but I'll LOVE it! I am a city girl who's been stuck in the country for two decades, though. That'd do it!


anonymous October 31 2009, 14:23:12 UTC
This London you speak of - I really don't recognise it. The rudeness, the black coats and pushing/knifing tendencies, the heads-down scowling. Of course, I was probably too busy struggling with the space-age transit technology to notice.

Love Google maps. Have you visited my house? I'm pretty sure I've visited yours at some point.

A lovely report Liz and a laugh from the God of Comedy to boot. If you keep this up, he'll be meeting the Mafia in the bar for drinks after a show.


bad_ideas_bear October 31 2009, 15:32:53 UTC
FINN!! *hugs ( ... )


anonymous November 1 2009, 11:54:17 UTC
I've been to London three times...and to Manchester and various other places. Unfortunately it was pre-Mafia. My God!, if only I'd known about you guys lurking about. My sister lived in London for years. She had a flat in Golders Green which was not at all unsavoury. It was a huge improvement on the hostel she stayed at when she first arrived, which she loved but it terrified me. I don't think I could do communal living like that with the shared tv room packed to the rafters with backpackers.

I'm glad that Dylan is not freaked out by us, or at least not visibly. :)

Kym xo


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Re: London bad_ideas_bear November 25 2009, 08:13:36 UTC
I'm not so bad. Work is tolerable, people are scarce. This is all good. Back in London next Friday to do a gig. First time on stage since the summer. Autumn was given over to convention related preparation and holidays and I can safely say that if I see a sewing machine between now and the new year I'm going to launch it into space.

I trust things are not too bad out in the sticks and the cows have not invaded your garden or anything.


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Re: London bad_ideas_bear November 26 2009, 17:19:25 UTC
Brixton. I can't remember the exact place. Should probably remedy that, actually. *is rubbish*


nice_girls_play November 24 2009, 17:56:59 UTC
Hello! I surfed over from the Dylan Moran forum after giggling at (quite) a few of your posts. I think you're very funny and I wondered if I could friend you?


bad_ideas_bear November 25 2009, 08:06:09 UTC
Absolutely, you are more than welcome. And thank you for your kind words. Do you post on the forum or do you simply hide behind the bookcases watching the insanity unfold with a mixture of wonder and terror?


nice_girls_play November 25 2009, 18:02:00 UTC
LOL. I'm a pretty new fan and very new to the forum so I've just been lurking so far. No terror yet, though. ;)


sanat September 1 2010, 05:00:31 UTC
Excuse another random surfer, but hello! I was Googling for the entirety of the "There's Spain, I win!" quote and this entry was on the first page. I also think you're funny and would like to subscribe to your newsletter, if you don't mind. :)


bad_ideas_bear September 1 2010, 09:25:51 UTC
Feel free to! It's hardly a newsletter. I an mostly too busy and/or lazy to write anything these days. But yes, feel free to add, read, stalk to your hearts content.

As you were googling Dylan quotes, I would recommend investigating the fan club. The site is small, but the forum holds a small number of loonies who regularly meet up in various Eurpoean cities to drink and be silly. I am literally on my way out the door to meet some of them in Edinburgh.

Enjoy the absurdity!


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