Mal always finds a use for things he procures -- it's a talent for frugality one picks up when everything, no matter how rich you are, can become in extremely short supply extremely quickly. That being said, there are some times when he doesn't use things as quickly as he should, leaving things for when he gets bored, or restless, or all of the
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Comments 25
She's making her way along the railing to the stairs when she notices a piece of paper covered in writing hanging from the wall right next to the stairs.
Curiously, she looks at the paper and starts reading. A few seconds later, her face is flushing and she's looking around to see if anyone else is near her before she rips the paper down.
Hey now, Inara. A Companion blushing? That won't do.
Wait until you look down into the cargo bay. You won't find your husband there, of course -- he does have some sense of self-preservation.
She reaches the bottom of the stairs and groans at the sight that meets her eyes. Dozens of tiny pieces of paper, covered in writing, some English and some Chinese.
She goes to the nearest one, reading it quickly before adding it to what will soon be a large stack in her hands.
To the entirety of the crew:
It is my desire to inform you all of what those little finger things Inara has are actually used for.
First, you have to remember to not push too hard --
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