Dear you,
Help me out here. How in God's multicolor space opera does a dock worker on what is essentially a space station run by criminals earn, in 6 years, enough to BUILD a space ship large enough to have multiple weapons systems and upwards of 11 positions, one of which is essentially 'person who is a live-in passenger'? And where, exactly, did said dock worker, who has apparently had no formal education and no background in shipbuilding or as a ship mechanic get the knowledge to build a custom ship anyway? I could understand if he'd been a shipyard worker (and that may be what you were going for, but still), but a regular dockhand? Really?
I know the site is pretty lax, and, overall, that's probably a pretty minor complaint, but it strains the ol' WSOD for me to see some kid fresh off the street save up on what, in the real world, is barely middle class pay at best build what is essentially a small warship by himself, especially fresh from a life of drugs. I lived around recovering addicts when I was homeless, and often heard former addicts speak about their addictions and recoveries. It's not that easy to kick a drug habit, and, in most successful cases, it requires cutting old ties and even moving to a new location, and, even then, the temptation is there, and it took most of them years of pleading from families and even losing friends, family, and their home to get them to want to quit.
Cool, but leaves a lot of questions.
Dear you,
Okay... I know space is big, but the distance from Earth to the Sun is about 8 light minutes. The setting we're in has a planet about that distant from its primary, and has seven planets, so, if anything, it's smaller than the real one, which is only about 3.8 light years in diameter if you use the Oort Cloud as the border. The distance from our solar system to the nearest star (other than our own) is only about 4 light years.
Why, exactly, does your mercenary group need a weapon that is essentially a kill switch for all life within 800 LIGHT YEARS? Do you have any clue how big that is, even compared to the vastness of space? I'm not even particularly bothered by there being no apparent way to counter it at this point. That's how ridiculous that range is. I'm pretty sure the titular Halo installations of the Halo series did not, individually, have that big a range, and they were INTENDED to be a last resort scorched earth response to a parasitic threat to ALL LIFE.
SERIOUSLY? Your group could singlehandedly end the RP with that!
Dear you, you, and you,
I like playing 7th Sea with you guys. Really, I do. You gel well with my sense of humor, play interesting characters, and are spot on with RPing beyond your rolls. You guys are fun.
But I swear to Sheogorath I will deafen you all with my voice if I have to sit through one more fucking mid-game argument between you three and the GM. Every. Fucking. Session. At least one of you three INTERRUPTS THE GAME to argue over some rule or another. EVERY. SESSION. I am tired of it. The GM is tired of it. The rest of the group is tired of it. One of you is even tired of it. The GM is strongly considering kicking one of you from the group because of it. RULE. ZERO. Learn it. LIVE IT. Loving it is optional, but, for Sheogorath's sake, leave the rules debating for the END of the session. Where the rules and the GM disagree, the GM's word is law. At least two people in the group, as well as the GM, have pointed that out. Get that through your thick skulls before the GM gets so fed up that he cancels the group.
Is Rule Zero that hard to comprehend?
Dear you,
Your character has died five times now. The only reason you still have that character is because the adventure has a built-in system to auto-resurrect characters. Every single one of those deaths, barring MAYBE one, was either your fault entirely, or a result of you forgetting about the life-saving abilities your class has. To put this into perspective, three characters out of, over the course of the adventure, 18, have died. The only characters other than yours to have died have died exactly once EACH.
Our GM is not cruel. He isn't the sort to abuse an adventure to try to kill characters. He has, up to this point, been seriously pulling his punches. But constantly getting into fights because you can't keep track of your abilities and constantly insist on either having your character run off on his own, or having him do something which makes what could have ben a peaceful and/or profitable situation into a massacre, occasionally even causing our group to have to waste spell slots, potions, and HP bailing your character (and ours, half the time) out and putting out proverbial (and sometimes literal) fires. Granted, I get that your character is reckless and (in your own words) an idiot, but there's a point when it becomes a bit tedious to constantly have to slog through encounters that offer little XP or rewards and possibly even lose out on bigger rewards and/or useful resources or opportunities just because the tiefling thought it would be a good idea to punch the wife of the man offering us money to help save his city (granted, she deserved it, basically chewing us out for not killing innocents just because she and her husband wanted the town healer to magically create food for them and not for the poor and sick (and lying about them eating food out of the town's supply.), but still...). On an OOC note, I really should not have to point out that your character is holding a mirror taller than he is when the DM asks you how you are facing as far as seeing an attack, and you say you're facing away. Your character may be an idiot, but you aren't, so you might want to use some of that smarts to figure out things like that.
Not asking you to completely rework your character, but would it be too much to ask you to tone the recklessness down and remember your abilities?
Dear you,
Look. I know you're a kid. I know you have ADHD. I know, from experience (with both), how hard it can be to wait when you have a question, or want to talk about your powers, or to look something up, rather than being instantly told everything about it, but you're getting on my last nerve with the constantly asking about things that are several sessions down the road, are in the D&D books you own and have on your person, or are otherwise completely unrelated to the task at hand, not to mention begging for every magic item your character didn't find that comes our way, whether it is meant for your character or not (though I will mention the aforementioned tiefling holding on to an item he can't use that was meant for your character was not helpful in that regard, good as his IC reasons for doing so were), or is even in the area we're in or not (if you try to find a shortcut to getting that enchanted oak longbow that is in the big bad's study one... more... time...), and continuing to push the issue and remind the person who did find/get the item that you wanted it.
Each of us had to wait several sessions before we got our magic items, with me as the sole exception, and that's only because I got lucky and we ran into a priestess in my second session with the group who was willing to bless my character's greatsword, and that was only allowed because, at the time, all my combat-related skills and feats were built around great weapon fighting, none of my weapons were able to do any useful damage due to the enemies in the adventure mostly being immune/resistant to normal weapons, and the rest of the party had silvered weapons by that point (I'd started at a different table and hadn't had the chance to get one). Even then, I had to have another party member's character (who was an acolyte of the priestess's religious order) convince the priestess, and that required a roll on said ally's part (and, if memory serves, I still had to pay for the service.). You've been in the group maybe a couple months. You've already gotten at least one magic weapon and a quiver that basically allows you unlimited arrows (not a bottomless clip, but it refills each dawn.) basically handed to you. I had to wait about that long between getting my sword blessed and getting my second magic item, and, in the four or five months I've been playing with this group, I only got my first fortune card event and item in the last month or so, and the rest of mine are either in the second to last and last dungeons in the adventure. I basically two of my magic items through good RP (the DM loves to reward clever thinking, clever questions, and careful and clever explanation), and one because the DM didn't like that I had no useful ranged weapons (and that one set be back around 2-4K gold). I didn't beg for any of them, and, from impatient squirrel on speed to another, you seriously need to learn some patience.
Hold all questions not related to the session at hand until the end, please. Or use the fact that you get here early to ask them before play starts.