1] Do you want abortion to stay legal or be illegal?:
It ought to be kept safe and legal.
2] Would you ever get an abortion yourself (not counting rape or if it risked your life)?:
I've used my right to choose.
3] Do you think abortion should be legal for everyone, or just in the case of rape or something life-threatening?:
I do.
4] Why do you have the views on abortion that you do(ex. religion, someone explained stuff to you, etc.)?:
My mom was very vocally pro-choice and instilled the belief in me.
5] If your best friend got an abortion, would you still talk to her?:
6] Should an age limit be put on abortions (ex. only girls under 18 can get abortions or some other age)? Why?:
No, that's incredibly stupid.
7] What do your parents think about abortion?:
They are pro-choice.
8] If you want abortion illegal, aren't you worried about more babies being left in dumpsters and women performing abortions with clothes hangers, killing the babies?
I don't want it made illegal, but if it were to happen, then yes. I am concerned about back-alley abortionists and abandoned babies.
9] Do you know anyone who had an abortion and regretted it?:
10] Do you think abortion is a responsible or irresponsible way to deal with pregnancy?:
It's irresponsible when used as birth control.
1] Should gays have the right to marry? Why or why not?:
Yes. They are people just like heterosexuals and citizens of this country. They deserve the same rights as everyone else.
2] Gays should be treated like normal people, yes or no?:
Yes, because they are normal people.
3] Why do you think society acts so strangely about gay people?:
Religion for the most part, and also fear of the unknown.
4] Do you use "gay" as an insult?:
No, I have much better insults at my disposal.
5] Can you be born gay, or is it a choice?:
I believe you are born that way. I didn't choose to like boys, I just do.
6] Is any older person in your family strongly against gays?:
7] If you have any gay/bisexual friends, do you support them?:
Just on LJ, and if she needed support I'd offer it.
8] Some people don't think we're born with any sexuality and that we just "decide" later on. Do you agree or disagree?:
Disagree strongly.
9] Obama is against gay marriage, but is for civil unions. Do you think the same way?:
If you want to be married- the whole church or JOP thing, you should have that right. Personally, I'd rather have a civil union.
10] Should gays be allowed in the military?:
1] Should marijuana be legal or illegal?:
I say legal and then tax the holy hell out of it.
2] Some people think ALL drugs (cocaine, heroin, etc.) should be legal. Do you?:
I think the hard ones should be.
3] If marijuana became legal, do you think it would be less "taboo" and less kids would do it just to be cool?:
Um. I only did it because it was "taboo" and a big deal. I smoked that long before I picked up a bottle of beer or a ciggie.
4] If marijuana became legal, would you be more tempted to try it?:
I've already done it, and now I'd rather just have a beer.
5] Should things like cigarettes and alcohol be illegal?:
No. We all know how well prohibition went. People are going to do what they want despite the laws.
6] What are some negative aspects to marijuana becoming legal?:
I'm not sure.
7] And what about some positive aspects?:
Medical research for people with cancer and glaucoma. Tax revenue.
8] Have you ever tried marijuana yourself? If so, do you think it's harmless enough to be legal?:
Yeah. It affected me far less than beer does, and that's what I'm basing my opinion on.
9] If marijuana became legal, what should be the minimum age you're allowed to purchase it at?:
10] Is marijuana even a big deal to you?:
1] Teachers technically aren't allowed to fail you the first marking period because they don't want you to get yourself "into a hole you can't dig out of" and fail for the year. Is this a good method?:
I don't believe that's true.
2] Do you believe that grades reflect intelligence?:
Fark no.
3] I heard on the news that children that do their homework regularly are 35% more likely to get paid more than the people who don't do it regularly. What do you think of that?:
I think those kids are good at finishing what they start, so the statistic makes sense.
4] There's a black history month and it's usually recognized in schools. There's also a women's history month, Native American culture month, etc. but they're not recognized in school or any other place really. Why is that?:
Because it's a pissy ass repartation deal.
5] Should teachers be allowed to hit their kids like old times?:
If anybody hit my kids heads would roll.
6] Should teachers be allowed to talk about religion in a public school?:
Fuck. No.
7] Should teachers be allowed to talk about their personal lives to students?:
I don't see why not, as long as they know what's appropriate.
8] Do you think that teachers should be stricter about spelling and grammar (especially since most people still mess up its and it's, you're and your, etc.)?:
YES. Grammar is important, it makes you look like an idiot when you can't spell properly.
9] You have to take four years of English and Gym in high school, but not four years of any other subject. Why do you think English and Gym were chosen?:
I didn't have to take four years of gym or english.
10] Is gym class really necessary?
Yes. For a lot of kids it's the only excersize they get.
1] "Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity." True or false?:
2] Do you agree with the war in Iraq?:
3] Obama thinks that the real war is in Afganistan. Do you agree?:
I don't think we need to be involved in a military action in another country. Period.
4] Will withdrawing our troops from Iraq be a good or bad thing?:
Good. We didn't belong there in the first place.
5] Do you think it's right for the government to draft men into the war, whether they're willing or not?:
No. An unwilling soldier is a liability.
6] Even if you don't agree with the draft, do you think women should be drafted as well (as long as they're not pregnant and such)?:
I don't agree with the draft at all, but women shouldn't be left out.
7] Do you think the war in Iraq was really necessary, even after Bush admitted there was no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?:
No. Sure, Saddam was a bad dude, but it was not our responsibility to take him out.
8] Does war really solve anything?:
No. All it does is breed more intense hatred towards the occupying forces.
9] Do you believe that world peace is possible?:
No. It's in our nature to want what the other guy has, or to hate the other guy for being different, or whatever. Some of us rise above...But sadly, we're never the ones calling the shots.
10] "Most wars start because of religion." True or false?:
Mostly, yeah.
1] Do you believe in sex before marriage?:
If you're ready for it, sure.
2] What about bringing your kids up to be good Christian kids?:
3] Should the woman take the man's last name?:
If they want.
4] Do you have to be married to have kids?:
5] Are getting piercings and tattoos "ruining" your body?:
6] Would you have sex with someone you didn't love?:
I have. It doesn't make a difference to me so long as there's trust there.
7] Would you cheat on someone?:
Technically, I have. The ex and I are still married as far as the law is concerned.
8] Would you date someone of a different race/religion/etc.?:
9] Is religion the number one thing in your life?:
10] Do you personally believe you have good morals/values?:
Not by Xian standars perhaps, but I do know right from wrong.
1] Women and men should be viewed as equals, right?:
In certian areas. There are things we're better at and things they're better at, biologically speaking.
2] Do you believe in stereotypes like "all women should shave their legs" or "all women should wear tight pants"?:
No. That's inane.
3] Do you think pornography is degrading to women?:
No, because the women in those movies chose to be in it. Sex between consensual adults is okay.
4] Even if you don't like Hillary Clinton, aren't you glad that a women has gotten THIS CLOSE to becoming president?:
5] Do you think women that wear skimpy clothing are degrading themselves?:
I think that some of them might be attention whores, but that's their call.
6] What do you think about how women are portrayed in the media?:
That's a pretty broad topic. No pun intended.
7] Is anyone in your family sexist towards women?:
8] Do you cringe when someone says "feminism is stupid" when it's the idea of women and men being equal?:
Yes, but sometimes the feminist agenda gets a little silly.
9] People who are feminists are usually liberals. Are you a feminist and liberal?:
I'm a liberal, but I wouldn't consider myself a feminist. I'm more of an Equal Rightist.
10] Is it possible to be for legalization of abortion but still a feminist?:
Of course! Being pro-choice is all about women having control over their own bodies.
1] Do you think schools should teach real sex ed or just abstinence only?:
Real sex ed that includes some sort of crying doll project. Absinince only doesn't provide the knowlege young adults need to deal with sex responsibly.
2] Should students be able to obtain free condoms in school from their nurse?:
Why the nurse? Then they have to be embarassed about asking. Plus, the damn things are not that expencive. I always, and still do, buy mine.
3] Or should condoms be distributed to each student in health class?:
Yeah, and they need to lean how to use the damn things.
4] Do you think your school is being realistic about sex in health class?:
My sex ed class was a joke. Seriously, movies from the 60's and some Fundie harping at us about how evil sex was and how we'd all get The HIV and DIE!!!!!!
5] Should students learn about just condoms and the pill or all types of birth control?:
All kinds.
6] Should parents be able to decide whether their child should learn about sex or should the school just automatically teach it?:
I think all students should have basic sex knowledge. Parents tend to be in denial about what their kids are up to at times.
7] Should ALL schools, even religious ones, teach the truth about sex and not just abstinence only education?:
8] Do you think schools are being realistic about teenagers and sex or do they just think they can scare them out of it?:
They are not being realistic at all.
9] Have you ever been taught wrong facts in health class?:
Um, yeah. We got taught that the hymen is up inside you. It's not. Idiots.
10] Would you say your school has a pretty good sex ed system?:
I don't really remember.
1] Republican or Democrat (or perhaps Independent or another party)?:
2] If the election came down between only McCain and Obama, who would you want to win?:
I voted for Obama.
3] Obama or Clinton (must choose one)?:
4] Huckabee or McCain (must choose one even though Huckabee's out)?:
5] Do you think Obama is a terrorist just because he is Muslim?:
6] Do you think Clinton can't handle presidency because she is a woman?:
7] Do you think McCain is too conservative to be a president?:
Yeah, and too old.
8] Or do you hate all the candidates and wish there was someone better running?:
9] What qualities would the perfect president have?:
Honest, thoughtful, intelligent, and a person with integrity.
10] Are you more of a radical, liberal, or conservative? Or do you just not care?:
1] Some say 9/11 was planned by Bush. Agree or disagree?:
2] Some people believe Obama is a terrorist and that he was/is Muslim. Agree or disagree?:
3] Dick Cheney is against gay marriage but has a lesbian daughter. What do you think of that?:
He's a douchebag.
4] Do you think we really need channels like BET, WE (Women's Entertainment), etc. for each gender/race or do you think it just stereotypes genders/races?:
Meh, don't take it so seriously. It's just TV.
5] Should the government be honest with us and tell its people EVERYTHING (ex. some people say that the government hides information about contact with aliens)?:
No, I honestly don't think people need to know everything, but it would be nice to not be lied to.
6] Do you think prostitution should be legal?:
Sure. Regulate and tax the shit out of that too.
7] What do you think schools should do to prevent school shootings from occurring?:
I don't think they're preventable. I mean, you can have metal detectors and the like, but kids will find ways.
8] Should the school system be allowed to teach you wrong info and/or exaggerate things?:
9] Do you believe in the stereotype that all Americans are fat, lazy, and stupid?:
Don't they say all stereotypes are based on fact? But no, I don't believe that.
10] Do you think religion causes most of the world's major problems?:
It's not religion, it's the interpretation of the religious teachings.