So, I was supposed to go whale watching this weekend. It took my three friends and I FOREVER to pick out a mutually agreed-upon date, and we were all excited, and then there were high winds on the Pacific and they wouldn't let us go. Laaame.
Also, that was going to be my new thing for this week.
So instead, let me tell you about several sorta-new things I did!
1) I helped run a parent workshop at my school. I feel like this doesn't count because I wasn't running it (my colleague/friend was and I was just proofing her Powerpoint and leading a breakout session), but I guess it was new, for what it's worth.
2) I did yoga with a hangover. That sucked.
3) I invited people over to my place specifically to use my highly-underutilized deck. It was lovely.
4) I went on a bike ride with people I've never ridden with before (my friend Maria and her friend Michael). They're a little bit slower than I am, but great ride partners overall: really just nice, cool people. I'm looking forward to biking with them more in the future :)
5) My dad and I finally began construction on my storage shed/cabinet thing under the stairs outside in which to house all of my emergency supplies. It's not completed, so I don't know if it counts, but at least it's started (and will hopefully be completed tomorrow/soon)!
Alright, that's it for now! G'night, everyone!