So, this is sort of a lame "new" thing in that it's a bit like eating at a new restaurant (which has been explicitly banned), but it's what happened last week, so I'll take it.
I biked the Wine Country Century (like, the real hundred mile option; not just the 100 kilometer option). It's not my first century, and it's not the first time I've done a Wine Country ride, but it was a) my first full century in five years, and b) the first time I did this particular route/event, so I'll take it. Also, it was beautiful and well supported (it is famous for having the best food of any supported ride ever) and I rode the whole thing with my daddy, which was pretty awesome (both for the company and because it means that my 63 year old father can still ride 100 miles while maintaining a 15 mph pace). Aaaaand I didn't even get a sunburn! And I wasn't sore the next day! A shocking amount of win!
Next weekend: Ride for a Reason! Woohoo!
There is some work stuff going on (isn't there always?) and some of that may count as new stuff (for example, I had 5 meetings in 3 days about the same ridiculous topic), but I don't want to hash it out here, so I won't.
It is also new for me to be this late about updating... oops.
So, part of why I've been so busy is that my foray into OKCupid has taken a turn for the unexpected and has gone from "dismal failure" to "highly successful" in short order. I'm currently juggling four different guys. It's a little ridiculous. I may or may not write more about this in my next few posts. It will probably depend on how things pan out.