Sooo... I'm sorta seeing a guy now. We've gone on three dates and it looks like it'll continue. I feel really comfortable around him, which is nice, and I trust and respect him, which is also nice. He rides a Vespa, which is equal parts dorky and awesome, and I got to ride on the back of it this weekend. It was a little difficult to not be in control (because I'm a bit of a control freak) and I was worried that I'd somehow mess up the balance and make us crash (I don't know how likely this really is, but it seemed possible). However, disaster did not strike, and it was a nice way to travel on a Saturday morning. Given the way things are going, it seems that I might have opportunities to improve my skills ;)
This afternoon, I hiked up the Berkeley Fire Trail with some others and had a lovely potluck picnic while we looked out over the East Bay and kept tabs on the solar eclipse through a pinhole paper projected on paper scenario. It wasn't my first solar eclipse (we sorta-kinda saw the solar eclipse when I was in 4th grade, but we didn't make pinhole cameras or anything, so we couldn't really see anything), but it was the first time I a) used a modified "pinhole camera" or b) used special eclipse glasses (which another group brought up and let us borrow). It was pretty awesome.