So let me try to think this out.
There are no longer two time periods, but two (perhaps parallel) realities/universes.
In Univ A, the Lost-ies are still on the island, but now in the same time period.
In Univ 1, the Lost-ies are back to what would have happened if the island didn't exist (or was underwater, Atlantis-esque)in its (current? former? possible?) state of existance.
Univ A
-on the statue side, Jacob is dead, Ben /did/ kill him, but "he didn't even fight back"(something like this) -Ben which is veery Jesus-esque. is Jacob going to come back in three days island time and fix things?
-Man in Black/Smokey/Locke-look-alike-body killed a load of people from Jacob's side
-Ben is freaked the fuck out, as is everyone else on the beach
-Richard is pissed, but gets knocked out by walking-around-like-nothing-odd-is-going-on-Locke-body-man "You!" "Me." lol
-Locke-man walks away with Richard's body
-in the forest, everyone is passed out like there was a flash-thru-time (which i guess there was) and exactly where they were 30 years ago when Juliet exploded the bomb, which apparently did absolutely nothing (in this univ) to change the fact that the Swan was built, operated, and failed (twice)
-so Juliet is down the rabbit hole of the destroyed Swan, and miraculously not totally ingrained into some shard of metal(this really bothers me)
-Sawyer tries to help, makes out with his dying girl, and is super pissed off and sad at the same time, decides he will bury Juliet
-and get Miles to tell him wtf her dead body is saying "it worked"
-Sayid is still shot
-Hurley gets left alone for long enough for Jacobs spirit to come and tell him to go to the temple
-so we go to the temple and almost get shot untill...
-Theres a giant fucking ankh in the guitar case with a mysterious note (another list?)
-so the Lost-ies don't get shot, but instead get taken into the temple
-Sayid gets 'drowned'
-everyone's pissed, wtf is going on?
-temple others learn that Jacob is dead, not happy
-Jack is gonna fight the temple others and... the /obvious next step/ is that Sayid comes back to life, so the dirty fountain of life water seemed to work even though it couldn't heal a little cut on the asian temple other's hand.. hm.
Univ 1
-everyone is on the plane, all interacty and meeting eachother politely (in general)
-Rose and Bernard are together
-Boone couldn't get Shannon to come home with him, but gets a nice story-time from Locke
-Desmond (randomly, mysteriously, and almost magically) appears and reappears, taking a seat by Jack, and Jack recognizes him (from island universe magic consciousness connections or from that time on the bleachers?)
-Jack saves Charlie's life, Charlie is pissed and getting arrested
-Kate escapes (who woulda guessed?) with some help from Sawyer, and ends up with a gun to the head of Claire's cab driver.
-Christian's coffin is vanished
-Jack and Locke meet in the my luggage is lost room"nothing is irreversible" Locke gets Jack's card
edit--Hurley is super lucky and something else.. i don't think I'm gonna do this after the whole shoe, i think i'm gonna try and type at commercials -/edit
Oh my.
I think that is everything important and I have no idea where this leaves us. I do not think I will be able to pay attention in classes tomorrow at all, and will not be able to breathe even kind of easily until I can at least watch this ep again on hulu to make sure I haven't missed any perhaps important bits of dialogue while I was processing the loads of info and trying to get the universes straight.