( How did I let her talk me into this? )
Phoenix Wright leaned over the side of boat and tried desperately not to be seasick. Between rope bridges, ice-cold rivers, and fire extinguishers to the head, he’d had enough dangerous lawyer antics to last him a lifetime. He didn’t need a boat to make him miserable too. Not on his vacation. How had he gotten into this again?
“Hey, Nick, look! I can see our office from here!”
“Mystic Maya can see through the fog?”
“You bet I can! It's Maya's Secret Mystical Technique #38!"
Oh, right. Maya and her secret weapon, Pearl. “… Maya, this is San Francisco,” he said, lifting his head blearily. “The office is back in Los Angeles.”
“So? Los Angeles and San Francisco are right next to each other. That’s what the Golden Gate Bridge is for, right?”
“I don’t think Californian geography works that way.”
Pearl also looked skeptical. “We drove a very long way last night. Didn’t we, Mr. Nick?”
“That's right. Several hours.” It would have been shorter if not for the sheer number of stops along the way. Though honestly, could he blame them? This was the last vacation they were ever going to have together. Nick’s career was taking and both girls would be returning home soon to finish their training. It could be years before he saw Maya again. He almost felt proud of them. No, screw it, he was proud of them. Like a big brother … thing. He’d never quite worked out what the relationship was, and he wasn’t about to do that now. Not when he was barely keeping breakfast down. Best to just lie back and enjoy the rest of the week.
“Oooh, Pearly, listen! Maggey’s talking again!”
Up at the front of the boat stood Maggey Byrde. The former policewoman looked just as exuberant in her crisp new tour’s guide uniform. Thank you so much, Mr. Wright! she’d said that morning. Ever since I moved to San Francisco like you suggested, my luck’s really taken a turn for the better! Nick’s hand still ached from the shaking she’d given it. But in the end, it had turned out lucky for them too - in the form of free tickets to a boat tour in the San Francisco Bay.
“Ladies and gentlemen!” said Maggey, her bright voice only slightly muffled by the fog. “Coming up on our left is the Golden Gate Bridge! It’s one of the most famous suspension bridges in the world, and the number one location in the country for suicides!” She paused, then glanced at her notebook again. “Er, I mean - well, it is, but what’s more important is -”
Phoenix leaned back against the railing and stared upwards for a while, trying to distract himself from the rocking of the boat. The ghostly silhouette of the bridge towered over them; if he looked carefully, he could pick out some of the individual suspension lines that held up the bridge.
“Mr. Nick, I think someone’s up there.” Pearl, tugging on Nick’s sleeve. “I see someone.”
“Of course there’s someone up there. It’ll be rush hour soon.”
But the girl just shook her head again. “Not on the bridge. Over there.”
Meanwhile, Maggey continued her speech. “The bridge was originally believed to be completely immune to earthquakes - an important feature for this region! - but it was later discovered that the right kind of shock would bring the whole bridge down. You can see the renovation work being done just up …”
Phoenix looked up. By sheer coincidence, Pearl and Maggey had both pointed at the exact same spot on the bridge. He saw fog and the dim outlines of the renovation scaffolding, as expected … and … something else? Something glittered, drawing his eyes to a dark shape emerging from the fog. And that shape looked an awful lot like -
“Auuuugh! I-it’s a body!”
Legs twisted into unrealistic angles, feet tilted vaguely skywards, back arched and fingers trailing towards the water below, and the faint glint of a camera tangled around its neck. A body. And somewhere, some poor sop was probably going to get nailed with a murder case.
Somehow, Phoenix had the feeling that his vacation was about to come to an abrupt end.