State of the Ferret Address

Apr 17, 2007 18:12

Greetings Fellow members of the Animal Kingdom.

Today marks the beginning of the fourth year of recovery for Das Ferret, and a review is definitely in order. We have come far in our journey, with many setbacks and trials along the way, yet we still have quite a way to go before our travels are completed. The main points I wish to discuss with you tonight are recovery, rebuilding, domestic, development, and ongoing issues.

First, the recovery. When I was told 3 years ago that I would probably not walk again, I was pissed. I had overheard the docs discussing me with someone and they had told them I had less than a 40% chance of survival, which pleased me even less. I decided that the odds were long and someone may have put down some money on me, so I might have a chance that they would cut me in on the winnings. Whoever you are, I'm still waiting…

Anyway, I am walking again (well mostly limping since the last surgery) and going to pt a couple of times a week to bring that back up to the almost normal range. Stairs still give me trouble, as does any form of rapid locomotion such as running, jogging, or rapid swimming. My left hand is still numb which means my typing skills are still hunt and peck, and my right shoulder is still FUBAR (it's a military term, Google it if you don't know).

Now to address the rebuilding of The Ferret. The days of the six million dollar man are nearly upon us. The miracles of modern medicine are such as have never been known to man. They can take an amputee and give them an arm that can feel, sense and control to an extent that mimics the human body that the user forgets that the arm is a prosthesis. The only little problem is that you have to lose the arm to get it. Do you see my problem with this technology? They can replace the arm and shoulder, but they cannot repair them at this time. There is hope coming out of Japan with an exoskeleton, which can allow total movement for those still capable of neural firings to the muscles, but without the proper skeletal support. Examples would include myself for my shoulder, certain quad and paraplegics, etc… The only problem with this technology, which is being developed with DARPA, is that it is still in the prototype / development stage, and would currently cost in the hundreds of millions to acquire (yes you geeks, battle armor is close to becoming a reality).

Domestic issues are still a serious pain in the arse. As most of you remember, I woke up in the hospital to find that I had moved into my parents basement. Now I ask you to remember that I am now, and will always be grateful for the love, help, and support of my parents as I would not have been able to make it without them. That being said, it puts a bit of a cramp in the domestic stylings of the bachelor ferret. The fact that I am drawing a check is nice, but it would be much nicer if it were enough to live on outside of my parents basement. Add to the small amount of income the limits I have not figured out how to work around, and you come up with a rather difficult situation as far as living on your own goes.

The development of this Ferret's future continues. There is an appointment on Thursday with an occupational therapist, as well as an appointment with an educational adviser to be scheduled after Thursdays session. Plans are still progressing on various business opportunities, and other options are being looked into as well. Right now, the only thing truly holding me back is the recovery of my body.

This pet project I like to call life is, as with everyone else's, an ongoing project with which I will need assistance from each of you from time to time, whether it be physical, emotional or other. I hope to be further (if not finished) with my business plans within the next year, as well as a possible move to a better living arrangement. As I said, it's life, it will always be an ongoing project and with your help, we will all get through it. Over all, the state of The Ferret is strong, and our outlook is good. Thank you, and goodnight.

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