) ew SNOW
I hate snow, and now im getting sick great just great!
Well today was my Stat exam which i def. failed and prolly half the class failed and no one got above a C! im serious we had so much shit in tha class, i also saw Mrs. Barkley to get m LC notices worked out, she told me to just write an appeal and if it doesnt work out to talk to her, which i hope it means she'll overule if the teachers decline my
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Lets see...
Well i know i negelect this journal very much and i try not to but eh o well, at least i know people actually read this piece of crap, lets re-cap my weekend... Friday presented my Ap Eng. project which i sucked at but hopefully i at least got a B, then went shopping with my mom which was different cause we hardly do that anymore, then Jenny came
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