Sorry if this is a bit late...this week has been pretty hellish. ^^;;; For the same reason, this is unbeta'd and probably quite raw. Apologies to Momoko. ^^ I hope it's okay.
Title: Folie à Deux
Fandom: Chrono Trigger
Pairing: MagusxGlenn
Rating: NC-17, basically PWP
Summary: In the time since the quest with Crono has ended, Magus has taken to
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Comments 3
Okay, my first thoughts when I read the Summary was: SQUEE!!! MAGUS!!!! <3333 Magus was like my FAVORITE character!!! My second thought was: Squee!! Glenn!!
Okay so then as I started reading it, I was Squeeing even more!! ^__^ Such lovely characterizations for them both!! And my inner yaoi fangirl was screaming with glee! ^____^
And the ending!!! *gigglz* Now it *definitely* hurt like hell. But strangely, he was glad for it---he was sure that this moment would have been infinitely more awkward had Glenn been sweet and gentle. It really would have been and so this line was perfect.
And then ending with this: "…That’s beside the point," he said finally, XDDD SQUEE!!!!
*TACKLEHUGGZCUDDLES* SO MUCH LUV TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dances*
Yay, I'm so glad you liked it...I wasn't even sure if you would know the fandom, so I'm really glad to know you do. ^_^
I love to write MagusxGlenn...I have a huge, epic WIP that I'm working on that crosses over CT And Chrono Cross, and MagusxGlenn is the main pairing. ^_^ I need to finish that one of these days...
Anyway, I'm so glad you liked it! ^_^ It was kind of a rush job...I thought I'd have this whole week to work on it (yeah, I always leave things to the last minute...-_-''') but then this week exploded...I was afraid I wouldn't finish it. ^^; So I was afraid it sucked. *LOL* Soooo happy you liked it. *squee*
^___^ Actually, your story made me want to replay the game again. :D
Ooooooo. You have more of them!! Squee!! Must read!!!
It was such a lovely piece of writing. ^^ No worries about rush jobs though. I am a procrastinator through and through, so most things don't get done until the day before they're do. :D But this was just so much Squee! ^___^ It really, really was. And I'm just really absolutely adored it. :D
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