We've got Cat's rats for a week while she's on holiday and they're really cool (except for the grindy teeth noise which is horrible). Spike did the blessest thing earlier and lay down flat on the settee in between my mum and dad like a dog does. Although that did make me worry that I had the house too warm and maybe he was just too hot to move any
I haven't drunk so much in many, many years. I may post more when I am less tired and can find the words to describe the weekend. The short version is we had a lovely meal in an italian restaurant on the Friday night and then saw strippers on the Saturday which turned out to be less sexy and more sex show!
If anyone fancies dressing up like they're in a panto and coming round for food and drink and non-bird-murdering entertainment then you are welcome to on New Year's Eve!
I'm thinking of going out in Cardiff tomorrow night to have food and sit in nice pubs, probably won't stay out for clubbing as I'll be driving home later (but could be tempted I suppose). Might head down to the bay for a change - not sure Cat's been out down there yet. Feel free to join me if you're about.