Title: The Adventures Of Ghost!Steve & Friends: 2 - Close Encounters Of The Kane Kind
Author: No, sorry, there’s no way in hell
bellasianna & I are admitting responsibility for this one… LMAO
Categories: Gen, Crack
Rating: PG
Thanks to: You, for reading.
bellasianna as ever, for the handholding, encouragement and editing/formatting
Disclaimer: Steve Carlson & Christian Kane are real people, and the events in this story are just that - fictional, figments of my sick and twisted imagination. Hell, call it a fantasy if it makes you feel better. Whatever. No rumours should be started in regards to any events in these works of fiction. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes and no money is being made out of it.
Summary: Christian is home alone. He spent some time at Steve's parents' house after the funeral, with his friends, but he just wanted to be alone. So alone he was. Or so he thought.
Chris: *loosening tie and unbuttoning top button of shirt. Thinks he sees Steve's reflection in the mirror behind him. Pours himself a stiff drink and sits down*
Steve: Chris?
Chris: *frowns, looks around and shakes his head*
Steve: *more insistently* Chris!
Chris: *mutters to self* I'm not listening! *Picks up guitar and starts strumming*
Steve: Look at me when I'm talking to you, you fucker!
Chris: *plays louder*
Steve: *grumbles* anyone would think he never saw a ghost before
Chris: I didn't
Steve: 0.0
Chris: 0.0
Steve: You can see me? *grin*
Chris: Oh fuck
Steve: This is great, Chris *grins more*
Chris: I thought you were dead
Steve: um. I am.
Chris *passes out*
Steve: oh no, not again!
Chris: *comes around and stares at Steve with wide eyes* You... you... you stay away from me you evil spirit! *throws guitar*
Guitar: *sails through ghost!Steve and smashes against wall
Chris: 0.0
Steve: oops?
Chris: You broke my fuckin' guitar!
Steve: *pouts* how is it my fault? I'm a ghost! I can't catch it!
Chris: You're a ghost! *falls back onto his ass on couch* Oh fuck
Steve: *grins* Hi baby!
Chris: I need a drink... or twelve
Hours later. Chris is hiding under his duvet. Ghost!Steve is laying on top of the bed, arms under his head, staring at the ceiling.
Steve: you know I meant to paint that ceiling
Chris: mommyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
The End (of chapter two)