Just when you think you've seen it all...
Yes, this entry from the Pit has bad grammar, punctuation and random capitalization. It also has pseudo-Japanese for no apparent reason. Oh, and the description of the appearance of Dumbledore is lifted word-for-word from chapter one, book one.
The Saviors and Keepers of the light Summary: what if Harry Potter wasin't the Potters real son, but that of an Elf and Vampire? Fic starts before first year, some spoilers, lots of ooc and swearing.
For the love of God, NO!
After an incredibly ambiguous opening, we flash forward 1000 years to the death of the Potter's first born. Perfect strangers appear at their door to ask a "favor," going on to explain...
“Well, first let me explain what we are doing here. Around one year ago, when our son and his twin Kitsune Chiaki were born, a prophecy was made. It said ‘Born to those who heir the throne, the saviors and keepers of the light will save our realms in their darkest hour. But they will be separated and shall not know each other for 4 short months. They shall suffer greatly in years to come, but they shall never lose sight of their objective. Born to those who heir the throne…’ this prophecy is about our children. We already know about Lord Voldemort and the fact that he is after you changes nothing. We also know that in 20 days, a Miss Sybil Trelawney with make a prophecy about your son, well our son really, but no one except us knows that. We decided that since our prophecy is companion to your prophecy, you should be the family that looks after our son for the next four months. We also have a plan for when Voldemort attacks. He will most likely try to kill you so; we’ve decided that we will make magical and DNA clones of the two of you for that night. This way the prophecy will still happen, and you’ll be safe.
When we return too our realm with the three of you that night, my wife will ask Lily a question. You don’t have to answer right away, we will give you time. People in this realm will think you dead, so choose two people to take with you. You will be married in Elvin and Vampiric custom depending on your answer to my wife’s question. Any questions?”
Don't you just love that casual "Any questions?" at the end? No, no, that makes perfect...HUH!?
This is only from the Prologue. There is another chapter, but I couldn't click on the link after that mess. I did, however, do a complete MSTie of the prologue, with the assistance of my son, who is familiar with Potter canon. -->
Linky linky