Get your rage face on!

May 30, 2010 01:43

The Detective and exKira at Hogwarts in E minor
I face/palm'd so much when reading this that I had to force myself to stop before I gave myself a concussion.

This is written between two people, so there's twice as much as fail. The story starts off with Light touching the Death Note and regaining his memories, which results in a reaction completely different from the canon.

"Light-kun...what the matter?" L's voice was barely hidding the concern he felt.

Light's mind filled with memories of planing the panda like man's death.

L is gonna be a sad panda.

He wanted to cry more then anything right then. He could not believe he could ever want to kill the detective or kill thousands of people...but the proof that he did was in his hands.

Dumbledore faced a problem.


Sirius Black had just escaped from Azkaban. Due to the fact that he was the cause of Harry's parent's deaths, Dumbledore had reasons to believe that Harry was next.

It's been awhile since I read the book, but didn't Dumbledore at least suspect Sirius was innocent? Well, whatever, it's a plot device to get L to Hogwarts and find Sirius. Another non-existent transition scene later....

L watched as Light stared unseeingly at the commputor screen. Light had been like that since they caught the now deassed Highchi.

Giving new meaning to the phrase "Your ass is mine."

L was worried. "Light-kun." Light looked up at him eyes haunted. "Whats wrong?"

Light stared at L for a long time before tears begain to pour from his eyes and sobs racked his body. "I-I'm...Kira..."

Way to drop the ball, Light.

L sat their frozen. Their frozen what? He was 100% sure Light Yagami was Kira...but he was 0.00000000001% sure he still wanted to be Kira and he was 99.999999% sure he was completely sorry for takeing all those lives.

"Because of the above statements, this line of reasoning is possible for badfic. What do you think, everyone?"

L hesitantly put his hand on Lights back in atemped to comfort the distrught teen. Light looked up at L when he felt the hand on his back. He grabbed hold of the man without thinking and cried on him.

When did Light become such a pussy?

L just gently rapped his arms around Light knowing he would forgive him for what he did and no one had to now who the real kira was.

Because killing people is okay if you feel bad about it later.

Still sobbing, "Wh-why have-n't I been ar-re-sted yet?"

L replied. "You obviously didn't mean to, and while the method was wrong, your
actions saved many lives."

What, did he trip and accidentally write someone's name down in the book when he fell?

Dumbledore arrived in Tokyo and emiditly headed for the muggle hotel that L was said to be staying in. He easily found L's room useing thoose odd ways of his which no one can seem to figure out.

Deus ex machina, the greatest magic of all.

The next chapter has unnecessary footnotes every other sentence, Light/Ratio name swapping, Dumbledore hiring L for a mere yet oddly specific amount of $3,780,000, muggle becoming a racist word, Light crying himself to sleep, and the authors using lines such as:

"Yes, *enter detialed explantion of a portkey cause the female-author is to lazy to write it*...and in three days you only have to touch it at the exact time it has been set to."


(8) British words don't deserve correct spelling. Bri'ish a'en's scair me.

Have at it.

death note, harry potter

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