With each new movie, there comes new bad!fic... [Silver Linings Playbook]

May 05, 2013 19:57

Upon the advice of a very dear friend, I watched Silver Linings Playbook with Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence.

Apparently, I've been away for too long and forgot about bad!fic - so I stumbled into the pit of despair and brought back these jewels.

They still danced. Around their kitchen, late(ish) at night, to whatever was on the radio
Late(ish)....I don't remember my English professor ever defining that to us.  Please tell me that they danced to Gangnam Style.  Please.

They were an unconventional pair. Everybody and everything seemed to label them, give them names they didn't want. In the end there were only four labels they cared about
Yes, if people are labeling you, they are giving you names that you typically don't want.  Thanks for the definition.  I'm not entirely sure how the dislike of labels makes you an unconventional pair, though.

Two years after the amazing parley from Tiff and Pat, they are still going strong, but will they break under the pressure of a... well, you have to read to find out don't you?
No.  No, I don't have to read to find out.  I've read so much bad!fic that I can pretty much guarantee what that pressure is.
Update: I was wrong.  This story had absolutely nothing to do with the description and I am now officially more confused than I was prior to reading the fic.

I LOVED Silver Linings PLaybook, but I HATE Pat. He's such a jerk to everyone. So, I killed him in my mind! *Evil Laughter*
Wait.  You loved the movie, but you altered the course of it in your mind? You hate the main character around whom the movie revolves, so you killed him in your mind? Yep.  I definitely see how you loved the movie.

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