
Sep 06, 2006 00:07

I'm supposed to finish my IMPROCO syllabus and email it to my coordinator but I JUST. DON'T. FEEL. LIKE. IT. Syllabi are pretty easy and fun to make, but the school I work for wants the long and short version and my problem is I do the short version first. Smart me, huh ( Read more... )


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Comments 11

silver_notebook September 5 2006, 19:11:50 UTC
Mmmm, soft-shell crab Norimaki: love 'em. Cream cheese sounds very american.

Also, you mentioned something about using a sitemeter and changing IP addresses. I've just got broadband and noticed my IP address also changes most times when I log on; but I think I've got my sitemeter to ignore visits from my browser, even though I don't allow secondary cookies. I put their address in the sites that 'allow' cookies. I have a site meter at the top of my page which works easily with my layout, and allows me to monitor random visits to my LJ (very modest in number). One of my 'lj-friends' puts one into every posting, but this must increment every time anyone he's on the friends list of refreshes their friends' page. Another, with a paid account has one in the sidebar and if you click to comment or read an LJ cut it defaults to her layout, so will be recorded. I think you can only do this with paid accounts. It's funny, when I first posted with this icon on a highly read friend's journal (which is no longer posted to) I had a huge surge in


badgoodgirl September 5 2006, 19:50:28 UTC
Well, the icon deserves a lot of attention, I believe. ;)

I haven't checked yet if my sitemeter ignores me or not, it will take some time of monitoring and figuring out, I think. I'm trying to stay away from the page summary of stats because it's hella addictive! And I have a thesis to revise, a syllabus to submit, a life to live, etc. Hee hee.

Yeah, definitely the cream cheese. And probably the fact that cream rhymes with dream :D


_darra_ September 5 2006, 19:49:41 UTC
everyone is eating softshell crab now!!! i'm so bloody jealous!!!


badgoodgirl September 5 2006, 19:51:13 UTC
No softshell crab in Germany? Attention, Opts!


opts September 5 2006, 19:54:07 UTC
Aber es gibt Schüblig und Bier in Deutschland!

Schü-schüblig tayo, schey mo?


opts September 5 2006, 19:52:15 UTC
I just knew you would react to this post ,D


mon_mons September 6 2006, 02:38:19 UTC
i know that restaurant, it's the one under Minggoy's in ATC no?


badgoodgirl September 6 2006, 03:00:42 UTC
yep :) have you eaten there?


freeimprov September 6 2006, 05:27:50 UTC
Salmon and cream cheese maki is pretty common in America. We call it variously a bagel roll, Philly roll, or Boston roll. On one hand, it's proof that Americans are barbarians. On the other hand, it's pretty tasty!

There's a WONDERFUL little sushi place in my neighborhood that makes a roll with Spam, pineapple, and cream cheese. It's called a Hawaiian roll. I kid you not! If fate ever leads you to Minneapolis, I MUST take you there!


badgoodgirl September 7 2006, 03:08:46 UTC
Oh, that's enlightening! Thanks! You're right, it IS pretty tasty. It's actually my favorite of the four.

I MUST make my way to Minneapolis one of these days. *scheme, plot*


opts September 7 2006, 07:54:31 UTC
Salmon and cream cheese, mmm ... That reminds me, I haven't had a good bagel in quite a while!

Yes, must visit Minneapolis. It's not near NYC is it?


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