after four hours of going fifty five miles per hour (thank you upstate police)...
i arrived at binghamton around five ish. erin and lindsay took me all around their campus. after we got really good pizza from the mall, we met up with jeff, rachel, and eric. we all ate smores and listened to this weird movie. then they took me to see greg and allie! then we went to look for ice cream. we seriously looked for ice cream ALL night.
jeff set up this beautiful stage!
and then erin, lindsay, jeff, jeff's friends, and i walked around their "spring fling."
jeff paid lindsay one dollar to hit the dunk tank. and she did! just not hard enough.
even though jeff had "just ate," lindsay got him to go on the gravitron-like ride with her.
here they are before the insane ride:
here they are during the insane ride
where erin and i gasped "im getting sick from just looking at it!":
and here they are after the insane ride:
tired from walking all day (and motion sickness all around) we decided to just chill in e and lindsay's dorm room until brand new. when we finally got ourselves to brand new, we had to be bouncers so no one would take our spots on the bench. jeff even yelled at a few people who tried to claim a spot on the bench. haha
my zoom wasn't working well and i got not so great pictures of brand new. but i can assure you that they were unbelievable as usual. we followed the show with she's all that and ice cream (finally.) & on sunday i drove rt.seventeen back to fairfield.
this weekend was exactly what i needed.
consider me engulfed in the buoy.