Look back

Dec 06, 2005 23:54

Today was good, Steph and I went to the mall.. A lady stopped me to inform me i "hit her friend with my hair".. It was um, odd.(Guess I should cut it all of now or something lol)
I got some Christmas shopping done, but all in all it wasn't too eventful of a day.
You know, at the fear of sounding like a fool.. I might stop. But since I've made one of myself time and time again, I'm not really afraid of it. Tonight it occured to me, having heard about what used to be an old friend and their new life. It amazes me. We are no longer children. I know for alot of you it's not news, but I find it bewildering in a sense, because we are becoming/are adults. We make our own life-altering choices. Mom and/or Dad won't be there much longer to care for us the way they used to. We have to be responsible and face up to our desicions. You will not hear, "They're just a kid." anymore. Every person, every friend and every foe of our childhood ingrained in some way a bit of our personality. And as we reach this age, our character solidifies. The attributes and qualities whether desirable or not are becoming so obvious and definate in our personalities; and we are truely becoming unique as a person. Each path we lingered toward in our young age, we've made a choice of which to go on, good or bad. It is amazing, how we are now the people we will be. Of course taken into account we will still change in our lives, but we will always be the unique, defined individual God created us to become-whether or not our choices are ideal.
Some part of me really misses the way life used to be.
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