Name: Billy Coen
Age: 26
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 164 lbs.
Faction: Chaos
History: Billy's life went to shit after he joined the Marines.
It wasn't an immediate thing, but it happened soon enough. The particular moment happened on a mission in Africa - Billy was a Lieutenant at the time, and he was sent along with his squad to wipe out a guerrilla base camp. The mission went wrong from the start when they were dropped in the wrong place and were forced to make a long, perilous trek through the suffocating jungle. The heat, sickness, and enemy attacks from the thick foliage had their numbers down to a mere four men, Billy among them, when they finally reached their objective. And to their confusion and anger, it turned out to be nothing but a shoddy, run-down village containing innocents. Angered both by the loss of their comrades and for all of it turning up to be nothing, the squad commander ordered all of the villagers to be executed. Though Billy never explicitly says whether or not he participated in the execution, the memories of the event that are seen imply otherwise, as he's heard objecting to the cruel actions and then is slammed in the head with the butt of a gun.
In the end, Billy was used as a scapegoat and court martialed on twenty-three charges of first degree murder. He was found guilty and handed the harshest punishment he could receive - the death penalty.
En route to the Regarthon military base for his execution to be carried out, Billy's van traveled through the Arklay mountains and was promptly attacked by monsters. Both of his MP escorts died in the attack, and not wanting to stick around to share their fate, Billy managed to break one of his handcuffs to free a hand and fled the van, taking shelter in the Ecliptic Express which had stopped on the tracks nearby. This just threw him into more trouble when he discovered the living undead wandering about, as well as learning that a member of S.T.A.R.S., an elite organization out of Raccoon City, had boarded the train in search of him. After a few run-ins and arguments and Billy saving Rebecca's life from a monster composed of super-intelligent leeches, they finally agreed to work together for the sake of survival. Once they get out of this situation though, Billy said he'd be gone, and Rebecca insisted that she'd take him in to face his punishment.
They started working together immediately, as the train began moving without any engineer to head it. Facing moral peril - as crashing into the final stop at that speed would kill them both - they managed to pull the emergency brake, which still caused them to crash but allows them to survive it, if in a lot of pain. When they woke up, they found themselves in a training facility that had once been used by Umbrella but had been abandoned long ago. With the bridge leading to civilization collapsed, they were forced to wander the monster-infested facility in search of a way out. Cue more of them both saving each other's asses, Billy finally explaining his situation to Rebecca (at least somewhat), them actually starting to get along with each other and zany hijinks with zombies and super-intelligent shapeshifting leeches.
They finally came across the source of all their grief: Dr. James Marcus, who had actually been assassinated ten years ago, only to be revived by the leeches he had been experimenting on. After taking the time to explain this to Billy and Rebecca, which must have taken at least a few minutes, he transformed into the Queen Leech and fought with the two heroes, two managed to kill him and escape the facility before the self-destruct (set off, unknown to them, by a dick named William Birkin) blew the place up with them in it.
In the end, Rebecca defied her orders and let Billy go free after taking his dogtags as proof of his "death", and the two went off on their own ways; Rebecca, to another nightmare laying within a mansion nearby, and Billy to undoubtedly live a life keeping under the radar.
Personality: When one first meets Billy, there are a few common things they may consider him: thug. Shady. Rough. And these aren't necessarily untrue, either. On the surface, Billy is very guarded and iffy of people in general. He won't tell you more than he has to, nor will he show you any more nicety than he thinks he should. He can almost come off as crass at points. And due to his past, if you do something that he sees as a betrayal of the trust he's put in you, it can be extremely difficult to regain what was lost. He is an avid follower of the phrase 'once bitten, twice shy'. Still, he's not nearly as bad as he first comes off if you take the time to worm under the defenses.
In truth, Billy's not bad at all. There's a part of him that hasn't been jaded from the past betrayal he's suffered or his unjust time in jail, the part of him that's still a fresh-faced soldier looking to do some good, which leads him to be very generous and compassionate to those who are in trouble. If you need help and he can provide it, he's going to do everything in his power to help you. This goes especially for those who he cares for, and he can get very protective of friends and loved ones. If someone hurts them, he is going to ensure they are going to get hurt in turn.
Due to his training, Billy is also very calm and level-headed in situations of panic or crisis, even able to act as a competent leader when the situation calls for him to step into such a role. He is also very observant, noticing and filing things away for later that many may not even notice or ignore as insignificant. He remains aware of his surroundings and the people he interacts with, to such a degree one might be able to call him paranoid.
Abilities: Billy's only human; no supernatural powers here. But he does have the ability of being built like a human tank, which can make it difficult to really knock Billy down and out in a fight, especially when he's determined. He's got a will of steel and almost the body to match, so one should be careful when they piss him off because he may just keep getting up until he literally can't anymore. He's proficient in hand-to-hand combat, and both his muscle and weight put quite a bit of power behind his physical blows. Not only that, he's a pretty good shot with a gun as well.
Weapon: Colt M1911 (handgun)