Title: Puffed Out
badly_knittedCharacters: Ianto, Jack, Gwen.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 697: Inflate at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Jack falls victim to his own stupidity.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
“What’s wrong with Jack?” Gwen asked worriedly on finding Torchwood’s leader lying on the Hub’s concrete floor, blue in the face. “He doesn’t look good. Shouldn’t we call Owen?”
“No, it’s his own fault; he was showing off. I asked him to inflate some balloons for Tosh’s birthday party. He decided he didn’t need the balloon pump; told me he could blow them up faster by mouth. I only wanted a dozen, so I left him to it while I finished the rest of the preparations, and when I came back, he’d blown up the whole packet of a hundred.”
The End