Title: Hideaway
badly_knittedCharacters: Ianto, Nosy.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 698: Peace at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Sometimes Ianto needs to get away from it all without going too far.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
Sorting and cataloguing the contents of the complex of rooms and passageways known as the Torchwood Three Archives had long since been completed, with a little help from the Doctor when it came to identifying certain items, so technically Ianto had no reason to be down there. He didn’t even have the excuse of a pile of filing that needed to be dealt with; George the animated suit took care of the filing these days, and anyway, everyone was up to date with their paperwork.
Nevertheless, as soon as he could do so without anyone noticing his absence, Ianto had slipped away, taking refuge among the bewildering array of artefacts from hundreds of worlds across countless millennia. The archives had always been his hideaway, the only part of the Hub where he could count on getting a bit of peace and quiet. That was even more important now the team had increased in number to forty, covering three shifts. Although it was rare for everyone to be present at once, it still got very noisy up in the Hub.
Turning a corner, Ianto found he wasn’t as alone as he’d expected.
“You’re hiding from the madhouse too?”
“Hummm,” Nosy agreed.
The End