Title: Once A Year
badly_knittedCharacters: Ianto, Owen, Tommy, Tosh.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 741: Freeze at
Spoilers: To The Last Man.
Summary: It’s time for Torchwood’s annual event.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
The morgue was an endless array of cryogenic chambers set out in tiers, some occupied and some vacant. Most contained the bodies of past Torchwood agents, while a few held the remains of unfortunate victims, both human and alien.
Once they went through the freezing process, that was it, for most of them at least. Suzie had been frozen twice, which was unusual even for a field agent. People didn’t generally die more than once, Jack being the notable exception.
Someday, Ianto knew, his body would probably be stowed down here, along with the rest of the team, although hopefully not anytime soon. Today wasn’t about death though; it was about life. Time to thaw out Tommy Brockless for his annual check-up and day of living.
Tosh would be arriving soon, excited to show Tommy what was new in the world since the previous year. This was probably her favourite occasion, better even than Christmas or her birthday, although she was a year older every time while Tommy never aged.
“Everything ready?” Owen asked through Ianto’s Bluetooth.
“Sending him up in a minute,” Ianto replied, manoeuvring Tommy’s cryo chamber into the lift. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” he whispered.
The End