Title: Resisting Temptation
badly_knittedCharacters: Ianto, Jack.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 745: Temptation at
Spoilers: Fragments.
Summary: Jack Harkness smells so good that Ianto finds himself having to resist a very unexpected temptation.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
Rolling around on the warehouse floor with Captain Harkness, laughing at the craziness of the whole situation, Ianto felt giddy and a little lightheaded. Maybe it was the tantalising scent Harkness exuded, or just the exhilaration of successfully capturing a prehistoric creature; at that moment it was impossible to be sure. All Ianto knew was that he hadn't had so much fun in… too long. Not since before the Canary Wharf battle, when his whole life had been turned upside down and inside out.
Flipping them both over to avoid having the sedated Pteranodon fall of them, he found himself staring down into the Captain’s bright blue eyes from mere inches away. He could feel the warmth and strength of the very male body beneath him, feel the other man’s arousal matching his own, smell that intoxicating aroma as he inhaled, and in that instant the temptation to kiss Harkness was almost overwhelming. He wanted to, but…
No, that wasn’t part of the plan! He loved Lisa; everything he was doing was for her! He wouldn’t betray her like that, not when she was depending on him.
He had to get away, before he did something he might not regret.
The End