Title: Retaliation
badly_knittedCharacters: Ianto, Owen.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 745: Temptation at
Spoilers: Captain Jack Harkness.
Summary: There have been plenty of occasions when Ianto has resisted the temptation to kill Owen, but maybe this time he should have done it.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
Ever since he first met Torchwood Three’s medic, Ianto had been resisting the temptation to do him actual bodily harm. Dr Owen Harper was not only rude, bad-tempered and arrogant, he was also a bully who never admitted he was wrong about anything, and never apologised, just insulted everyone around him and expected them to put up with it.
At first, Ianto had kept his head down, ignored the taunts, and focused on his job. He hadn’t wanted to draw attention to himself. After the Cyberwoman incident, Harper had become even more irritating, goading him, until Ianto had started retaliating, matching him insult for insult and snark for snark.
It had proven oddly satisfying to see Owen speechless, floundering for a witty comeback and failing to find one, but it hadn’t made the medic any more likeable. Harper seemed to relish being a bastard.
Now there he was, making ready to open the Rift despite everything Jack had told the team about not messing with it. Ianto wanted Jack and Tosh back as much as anyone, but not like this.
Taking aim, he fired, hitting Owen in the shoulder; annoyingly it failed to stop him.
Should’ve aimed for his head.
The End