Title: Erased
badly_knittedCharacters: Tosh.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 788: Wrong at
Spoilers: Fragments.
Summary: Tosh knows shew committed a terrible crime, but does she deserve to have her existence erased?
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
Tosh knew that technically, what she’d done had been wrong. She’d taken the plans, built the sonic modulator, and handed it over to people who never should have been allowed to get their hands on it.
But she’d had no real choice; if she hadn’t done as she’d been ordered, her mother would have been killed. In that situation, how could anyone have expected her to stand by and do nothing?
If she’d told anyone, or if she hadn’t followed her instructions to the letter, her mother would be dead, and it would be Tosh’s fault. She was damned either way; better that she should be the one to pay the price rather than the woman who had instilled in her the importance of duty to family.
So yes, perhaps by the government’s standards what she’d done had been wrong, and she was sure she deserved to be punished, but what was being done to her was out of all proportion to her crime. No lawyer, no trial, no chance to tell her side of things, she’d simply been tossed in this tiny, unfurnished cell, and here she’d stay for the rest of her days. Toshiko Sato no longer existed.
The End