Title: Very Bad Idea
badly_knittedCharacters: Jack, Team.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 789: Consequences at
Spoilers: End of Days.
Summary: He’d told them not to open the Rift, but they’d done it anyway.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
Don’t mess with the Rift. That had been Jack’s number one rule, and he’d drummed it into every member of his team, making sure they understood that opening the Rift, no matter how carefully they went about it, would be a Very Bad Thing. He’d thought that would enough to keep them from doing anything so foolhardy, but apparently he’d been wrong, because they’d gone and done it anyway, deciding they knew best.
They didn’t, of course; they had no idea what would happen if they ignored all the safety protocols, and that was fair enough, because Jack didn’t know either, not in specific details. He hadn’t needed an itemised list of potential consequences to know that some risks just weren’t worth taking. It was simple common sense not to take unnecessary risks with technology that nobody fully understood.
Well, now they were getting to experience firsthand exactly what the effects of opening the Rift were. Tremors were radiating outwards from the Rift machine, the Hub was shaking itself apart, and when the team made it out onto the streets, they were confronted with the sight of a monstrous demon towering over Cardiff. Perhaps now they’d realise he’d been right.
The End