Title: Rift Search
badly_knittedCharacters: Owen, Ianto, Tosh, Jack.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 811: Nose at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Finding what the Rift drops off can be a lot more difficult than it sounds.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
The Rift, being its usual supremely unhelpful self, had this time dropped an unidentified something somewhere in Cardiff’s largest junkyard. According to the data Tosh had collected with her Rift monitoring programs, their new acquisition was metallic, and approximately the size of a loaf of bread, although probably considerably heavier.
“There’s metal everywhere! This’ll be like hunting for one needle in a stack of similar needles,” Owen grumbled, looking at the piles of metallic bits and pieces stretching as far as he could see.
“That’s why we have scanners,” Ianto pointed out.
“So we can tell the difference between earth junk and Rift junk?”
Ianto rolled his eyes. “So we can home in on traces of Rift energy.”
“Maybe the composition of the object determines where the Rift drops it off,” Tosh mused. “It’s metal, so it was drawn here.”
“That wouldn’t explain the Nermit getting dumped in the Chinese takeaway last week,” Ianto pointed out. “Nermite aren’t even remotely edible, but the heat in the kitchen cooked it anyway.”
“Priorities, people!” Jack said. “Why it was dropped here isn’t important. This is a big place, so we’ll just have to nose around until we find whatever we’re looking for.”
The End