Title: Against The Cold
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Like Like Love.
Summary: Holding his lover close in bed at night is one of Dee’s favourite things.
Written Using: The tw100 prompt ‘Close’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Triple drabble.
Wrapping both arms around his lover, holding him close, Dee sighed contentedly as Ryo snuggled against him. This was one of his favourite parts of living together, the snuggling late at night, when they were both tired after a difficult day and just wanted to sleep.
Not that the sex wasn’t great, because it was and always had been, and the fact that they no longer had to schedule time for intimacy made it so much easier to be spontaneous. Having company in the evenings was great too, someone to watch TV with, someone to share life’s necessary chores with, someone to talk and laugh with, even fight with, because the making up was always fun. All of those were things he enjoyed, but there was something particularly appealing about snuggling, especially in winter.
Outside, the wind was howling, rain was battering against the windows like it wanted in, but here beneath the covers he and Ryo were warm and cosy. Dee smiled against Ryo’s hair; it was like having a life-size teddy bear to cuddle, and the shared body heat chased away the chill from being out in the foul weather earlier. Dee pulled Ryo closer, tangling their legs together, wanting as much body contact as possible.
“This is good,” Ryo murmured drowsily, draping an arm across Dee’s waist.
“Mm,” Dee agreed. “Finally feelin’ warm again. You’re way better than a hot water bottle.”
Ryo snickered against Dee’s chest. “I was thinking the same thing.”
“Great minds think alike.” He pressed a kiss against the top of Ryo’s head. “Go to sleep, we gotta be up early again tomorrow.” Dee thought for a moment. “Or we could just say screw work and stay right here.”
“Tempting, but the precinct’s short-handed.”
“Least we can keep each other warm at night.”
The End