Title: Plain As Day
badly_knittedCharacters: Diana Spacey, Ryo, Dee.
Rating: PG
Setting: Towards the end of the manga.
Summary: Diana can see how much Dee loves Ryo, even if Ryo can’t.
Written Using: The tw100 prompt ‘Plain’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Triple Drabble.
Even Diana, fond though she is of Ryo, has to admit the man is a complete and utter airhead when it comes to how his partner feels about him. It’s as plain as the nose on Ryo’s face, which is really a very nice, shapely nose, that Dee is head over heels for him, would follow him to the ends of the earth if Ryo asked him to, or even if he didn’t. Diana can only wish a man, preferably Berkie, would look at her with such complete devotion and desire. Maybe obliviousness is a male trait.
Then again, maybe Ryo isn’t as clueless as he appears and simply doesn’t want to accept that Dee’s so smitten with him. It can’t be because he’s not interested himself though, Diana knows men well enough to see that Ryo does feel something more than friendship towards Dee. If he didn’t, he would have reported Dee for sexual harassment long ago.
Maybe it’s more a case of Ryo not wanting to accept his own feelings. Not that Ryo’s homophobic, he’s very accepting, but probably also keenly aware of the prejudice and discrimination that anyone who isn’t a hundred percent straight is often subjected to. As a cop he’s already witnessed the results of the hatred thrown at members of the LGBTQ+ community. Honestly, it’s no wonder so many people keep their sexuality a closely guarded secret.
But Ryo really needs to make up his mind, because no matter how smitten he is, Dee won’t wait around forever. Sooner or later, he’ll give up his pursuit of Ryo and move on to pastures new, and where will that leave Ryo? Alone and lonely, like Diana herself, pining for a love that’s slipped through his fingers.
Maybe it’s time she knocked some sense into him.
The End