Title: One Snowy Day
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: After the manga.
Summary: There’s only one thing to do when it snows…
Written Using: The tw100 prompts ‘Roll & Round’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Triple drabble and a half, 350 words.
Pulling his gloves on, Dee scooped up a handful of snow and scrunched it into a ball.
Ryo watched his lover suspiciously. “You’d better not even think of throwing that at me.”
“Where’s your sense of fun?”
“I left it at home.”
Dee snorted. “Don’t worry, I’m not makin’ snowballs. I’ve got somethin’ a bit bigger in mind.” He added more snow to the ball in his hands until it was too big to easily hold, then rolled it across the ground, picking up snow as it went, leaving an almost snowless streak across the grass.
“You want to build a snowman now? It’s freezing out!”
“No point tryin’ to build one if it’s warm,” Dee pointed out. “You don’t gotta help if you don’t want to.”
“Well, I’m not gonna just stand here getting colder,” Ryo grumbled, scooping up snow himself. “You make the body while I make the head. We don’t have anything for eyes though.”
“Should be a few stones around, or we can just draw the face.”
“That never really works. Without a proper face it’ll just be a snow blob.”
“First you’re complainin’ about me buildin’ a snowman, and now you’re worried that it’s not gonna look good enough?”
“There’s no point doing something if you’re not going to do the best you can.”
“Overachiever,” Dee teased.
“I just don’t want to be accused of shoddy workmanship.”
“It’s just a snowman!”
“Yes, but a lot of people are going to see it.”
“Fine, we’ll build the best goddamn snowman in the city.” Dee started packing snow around the base of his giant snowball, then scooped a hole in the top for the head to rest in. Once Ryo had lifted it into place, they packed more snow around the neck. “There, nice and sturdy.”
“And faceless.”
“We’ll fix that in a minute.” Dee started rolling another ball.
“Now what’re you doing?”
“Givin’ our snowman a snowdog.”
“You’re weird.” Ryo wandered away, collecting pebbles for the snowman’s eyes, and breaking off a large icicle for the nose. This would be a snowman to be proud of.
The End