Title: Reputations
Fandom: BtVS
badly_knittedCharacters: Buffy.
Rating: PG
Written Using: The dw100 prompt ‘Reputation’.
Spoilers/Setting: From the movie to The Prom.
Summary: Buffy can’t escape her reputation as a troublemaker.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters.
A/N: Triple drabble.
It hadn’t taken Buffy long, after she’d been called as the Slayer, to get a reputation for being a troublemaker. What with all the fights she started getting into, fights involving punching and kicking rather than hairpulling and name-calling, and the whole burning down the school gym thing, she couldn’t even pretend to be surprised, and she did sometimes wonder whether her radical change in behaviour had contributed to her parents’ divorce. They claimed it hadn’t, but… Well, it couldn’t have helped matters.
Of course, thanks to her school transcripts, her reputation had followed her to Sunnydale, effectively obliterating any chance she might have had at making a fresh start. Plus, her new Watcher had already been installed as librarian at the local high school, awaiting her arrival.
She barely had time to unpack before she was getting into fights again. Sunnydale, it seemed, was home to even more vampires than L.A. had been, which, Hellmouth, duh. That kinda made it inevitable. Less than a week in, and her reputation was alive and well among both students and faculty. It sucked, but there was little she could do about it except try to keep out of trouble during school hours, and she DID try; it just wasn’t always possible.
That was how things went throughout high school. She made friends, good ones, but she wasn’t what anyone would call popular, always felt a little like she was on the outside looking in, a social outcast. She didn’t get invited to parties, didn’t date much, didn’t do any extracurriculars except for that brief, doomed attempt to resume cheerleading. Her reputation got in the way, or so she assumed.
It wasn’t until the Prom that she realised she’d gained another, more important reputation, not as a troublemaker but as the class protector.
The End