Title: A Changed Man
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Dee, OMC.
Rating: PG
Setting: Early in the manga.
Summary: Dee runs into a former classmate.
Written Using: The tw100 prompt ‘Crook’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Triple drabble.
Back in high school, Darren Macklin had been voted most likely to become a criminal. He’d cheated on tests, stolen anything he could get his sticky fingers on, lied about everything, started drinking at thirteen, and by fifteen he’d progressed from smoking weed to taking whatever drugs he could afford, mostly uppers and downers since he seldom had enough cash to afford crack.
Dee studied his old classmate in bemusement. “Look at you! I thought for sure the next time we met I’d be arrestin’ you for somethin.”
Darren laughed. “You’re not the only one. I thought for sure I’d wind up followin’ in the old man’s footsteps. Bein’ a crook has pretty much been the family business for the last couple generations. My Grandpa died in prison before I was born, my dad and my uncle have spent more time behind bars than they have on the outside, and even my mom gave up on me when I dropped outta school instead of graduatin’.”
“So what happened?”
A sheepish expression crossed Darren’s face. “I tried to rob a church. The priest caught me, but instead of callin’ the cops, he told me everyone deserved a second chance. Then he helped me get clean, put me through rehab, believed in me when nobody else did, not even my mom. Now here I am, a changed man. I thought about entering the seminary, but I couldn’t really see me bein’ celibate the rest of my life, so Father Mulgrew helped me get an apprenticeship. Now I’m trainin’ to be a plumber.”
“Good for you, that’s terrific.” Dee grinned.
“What about you? I heard you decided to become a cop, but I’m not seein’ a uniform here.”
“Detective now, plainclothes all the way.”
“Looks like we both did pretty well for ourselves.”
The End