Title: It's A Crow's Life
badly_knittedCharacters: Ianto.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 842: Fun at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Ianto thoroughly enjoys being a part-time crow.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble. Set in my Were-Crow ‘Verse.
There was, Ianto decided, a lot to be said for being a were-crow. Not that it was all fun and games or anything, he still had all his usual work to do, but he’d learned early on that crows knew how to have a good time.
Landing lightly on a convenient cable running from a telephone pole to a nearby house, he tipped himself forwards until he was hanging upside down, then let go, twisting in midair to swoop upwards again, cawing with laughter.
He felt so much less self-conscious playing childish games as a crow than he ever would have in human form. He splashed in puddles, jumped into piles of leaves, scattering them with his wings and his strong claws, and he’d recently discovered the joys of sliding down sloping roofs, using a shallow plastic tray he’d found as a sled.
Being a crow, doing arial acrobatics and divebombing any cats he saw stalking his fellow birds, was a great way of de-stressing from the pressures of his job. It made him a little sad that the rest of the team didn’t get to enjoy the benefits of flying free. They had no idea what they were missing.
The End