Title: Open And Shut
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Ryo, OMC.
Rating: PG
Setting: After the manga.
Summary: Building cases usually takes a lot of time and effort, but not on this occasion.
Written Using: The tw100 prompt ‘Easy’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Quadruple drabble.
Detective work was not something anyone could describe as ‘easy’, it involved long hours of gathering information and evidence, interviewing victims, tracking down possible witnesses, then painstakingly piecing together all the known facts to provide a clear picture of the crime. Even when all that was done, detectives still needed to figure out who stood to gain from the crime, and question likely suspects.
Cases could take weeks, or even months to build, even longer to come to trial, and no matter how hard you tried, there was never any guarantee of a conviction. There were too many variables involved to be sure of anything, and sometimes even when a conviction WAS achieved, it got overturned at appeal.
But once in a very long while, the pieces all fell into place, the criminal pled guilty, and a case was closed with minimal fuss and no complications.
“Are you a detective?”
Ryo blinked at the man in front of him. “Yes.”
“Good. I want to turn myself in. I shot my no-good liar of a boss. He promised me a promotion and a raise, then gave the job to his brother-in-law instead, and fired me. The brother-in-law doesn’t even have any qualifications! I’ve been working for my asshole boss for fifteen years, and now he does this! But I showed him! Arrest me, send me to jail, I don’t care anymore.”
“You shot him?”
“Oh, I didn’t kill him, I’m not a murderer, I just shot him in the leg. When I told him I was gonna take him to court, bastard said I didn’t have a leg to stand on. Now he doesn’t either. I figure that makes us even.”
“I’m going to need you to write all this down back at the precinct, but you’re under arrest.” Ryo took out his handcuffs.
“Thank you.”
“Where’s your boss now?”
“Hospital, I expect. I called an ambulance before I left. Didn’t want him dying, that wouldn’t be much of a punishment. I want him to live with what he did.”
“Okay then. You probably shouldn’t say anything else until I’ve read you your rights.”
“It’s fine, I waive them. I took pre-law in college. That’s why I thought it would be best if I turned myself in.”
“I still need to read them.”
“Oh. Well, okay, go ahead. Won’t change anything though. I’m guilty.”
Ryo shook his head. Easiest arrest ever.
The End