Title: Hole Lotta Trouble
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: After the manga.
Summary: Ryo’s car has suffered an unfortunate mishap.
Written Using: The dw100 prompt ‘Tow’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Triple drabble and a half, 350 words.
“Never a tow truck around when you need one,” Dee grumbled, scowling at the car.
“Probably just as well. You know those opportunistic tow truck operators charge way more than the ones you have to call.” Ryo already had his phone out and was looking up the number of a towing service he’d used before, one that was fast, efficient, and reasonably priced.
“Should be a law against that.”
“There should be laws against a lot of things, but instead we still have laws that make it illegal to carry an ice cream in your back pocket.”
Dee snorted. “Like anyone would be dumb enough to do that in the first place.”
“Apparently it was a ruse people used years ago to steal horses. They could claim the horse simply followed them, wanting the ice cream.”
“So on top of havin’ a meltin’ ice cream in your pocket, you’d have a horse bitin’ at your ass?” Dee leaned against the car, laughing. “Yeah, I’ll pass. Not that I’d try to steal a horse in the first place, even if I wasn’t a cop; I’ve seen the teeth on those things. Wouldn’t wanna get up close and personal with those.”
“I never said it was a sensible thing to try,” Ryo pointed out, turning his attention to his phone and arranging for a tow to a garage.
“What there really needs to be a law against is frickin’ potholes,” Dee muttered to himself as Ryo hung up.
“Then the city would have to keep charging itself with a crime. I can’t see that working.” Ryo crouched to examine the damage to his beloved Pontiac. “I guess I should be thankful it didn’t break the axle, just one wheel and some damage to the suspension.”
“The city oughta be payin’ for the repairs.”
“To the road or to the car?”
“Both. I mean, the roads are already their responsibility, even if they don’t seem to be doin’ much to improve the condition of ‘em, but it’s not fair expectin’ drivers to shell out when the damage was caused by cunningly disguised potholes.”
The End