Title: A Softer Side
badly_knittedCharacters: Thirteenth Doctor.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 885: Gentle at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: The Doctor is having to adjust to a new gender as well as a new body and personality.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who, or the characters.
It’s jarring and completely unexpected to find himself in a female body. It’s not that the Doctor wasn’t aware that switching genders was a possibility, he’d seen it first-hand when the Master became Missy, he’d just never expected it to happen to him, although technically, he’s now she. That’ll take some getting used to.
It isn’t bad, but it makes her wonder is she’ll still be able to inspire the same level of fear in her enemies.
Then again, maybe the time for that is in the past. She’s been dangerous for long enough. Time to be gentle.
The End