Title: Night Of Passion
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG-15
Written For: Challenge 430: Amnesty 43 at
drabble_weekly, using Challenge 425: Wild.
Setting: Back Stage Pass 2.
Summary: Dee finds himself amazed by how passionate Ryo can be when he lets himself go.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Double drabble.
Ryo, despite insisting that he enjoyed what they did together in bed, had always been kind of reserved when it came to sex. He didn’t tend to initiate physical intimacy either, finding it too embarrassing. So this version of Dee’s lover, wild, passionate, and uninhibited, was a bit startling. He almost seemed like a different person, confident and demanding instead of bashful and hesitant.
Not that Dee was complaining, far from it. As much as he always enjoyed making love to the man who’d stolen his heart, that Ryo could be like this was a revelation, and all because he’d accidentally mixed cough medicine and alcohol. If only he could access this side of himself without the aid of booze or cold meds, Dee would be permanently in heaven. Then again, too much of a good thing might be just that: too much.
Still, now that he knew how to evoke his lover’s wild side, maybe this wouldn’t be the only night of no holds barred passion they’d share. In time, maybe Ryo wouldn’t even need a few shots of his drink of choice to shut down the part of his mind that found sex embarrassing. Dee could only hope.
The End