Title: A Slight Problem
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Like Like Love.
Summary: Some household tasks are harder than they should be.
Written Using: The tw100 prompt ‘Costumes’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
“Halloween’s over, babe,” Dee said helpfully from the bedroom doorway.
“I know,” Ryo replied, his voice somewhat muffled. “Why’re you telling me that?”
“Just seems like you’re either too late or way too early with your costume.” Dee was doing his best to keep a straight face, but it wasn’t easy.
“Costume? What’re you talking about? You’re not making any sense!” Ryo backed off the bed and tried to stand up… “Shit!”
Dee snickered. “’Course, ghosts are supposed to be white, not dark purple.”
“Shut up! You could at least help get the cover off me and onto the duvet!”
The End